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本杰和我将从这连根拔起迁到一个人生地不熟的地方。Benjy and me are to be uprooted, go to live in a strange place.

几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此多样化的动植物栖生地。Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.

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麦冬、生地能养阴养血。Ophopogonis Root and Fresh Rehmannia Root nourish 'Yin' and blood.

前世今生,苔藓们生生地把自己活成树木的一部分。Preexistence, moss are students themselves into a part of living trees.

口服生地马钱丸未发生明显的不良反应。Oral medicine pills habitat Strychnos did not show obvious side effects.

薄荷叶,金银花,土茯苓,生地。Peppermint Leaf, Flos Lonicerae, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, Radix Rehmanniae.

他们说这种青蛙是在“它的原生地高度退化的环境中”被发现的。They said the frog was found in "a highly degraded environment in its original locality."

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也许,我是水瓶座,我似乎并不在乎一切,包括爱,生地,我知道。Possibly, I am Aquarius, I seem to care about everything including love, oppositely, I do.

他要记得偶们俩都是天生地领导者并且偶也有非常多可以拿得出手地东西。He needs to remember we are both natural leaders and I have much to bring to the table as well.

这暗示了一种强烈的对于“家”的概念——尽管“家”并不一定指出生地。This implied a highly charged concept of home--although home did not necessarily mean birthplace.

可是坐在你前边的家伙硬生生地毁了你的兴致,整整96分钟,他都在发短信。But the guy in front of you insists on ruining your experience by texting for the entire 96 minutes.

即使这个活动与体育毫无干系,他们所举办的新闻发布会也硬生生地插入进去。Even though the event had no direct link with sport, the pressconference they organised was crammed.

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除这两种主药外,再配以生地、蒲公英、银花等药效加强。In addition to the two main drugs, the Coupled with habitat, dandelion, Silver Flower, etc. to enhance efficacy.

它主要以名贵的鹰嘴龟和土茯苓为原料,再配生地等药物精制而成。It mainly rare turtles and Smilax glabra olecranon as raw materials, matched with drugs such as refining habitat.

约翰他们设计了圈套,置死地而后生地将罪魁祸首处以死刑。John they have designed the snare, sets at the deathtrap, but the young man punishes by death the chief criminal.

那时,刘向梅人生地不熟,唯一可以倾诉的人,就是王海,二人以兄妹相称。At that time, Liu Xiangmei unfamiliar, the only people who can talk to is Wang Hai, brother and sister duo to match.

镜子以家族的势力,对棱星学园施加压力,硬生生地将未知与光分开。Mirror to the family of forces, pressure on the edge of Star Academy, abruptly separated from the unknown with light.

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输出变压器汇总这些生地阶段产生的电流输出波形中的二次绕组。The output transformer sums these oppositely-phased currents to produce the output waveform in the secondary winding.

以流动注射悬浮液脉冲进样——火焰原子吸收光谱法进行了中草药生地中铁和锌元素的测定。The Fe and Zn in rehmannia root were determined by FAAS using flow-injection suspension pulse sample introduction method.

城市的大约四百万居民——相当于菲尼克斯市区的人口——突然被生生地赶出了城市。It's a city of about 4 million people, a Phoenix metro area-sized population that's been suddenly stripped of its cityhood.