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这种义愤不合理么?Doesn't this outrage justice?

奉行义愤脚本就是一个例子。Running the outrage script is one example.

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问题是,若没有爱,没有情,也就不会那么心碎与义愤。If the lover is not happy , you feel broken-hearted.

就我个人而言,很难完全抛开义愤脚本形事。Personally I found it difficult to dump the outrage script.

中国的公民很少有机会用选票来宣泄自己的义愤。Chinese citizens rarely get a chance to seek revenge by vote.

他无法抑制胸中涌起的义愤。He couldn't control the indignation that swelled in his heart.

从有礼貌但固执的学生身上我发现了类似的义愤。I found similar indignation from polite but insistent students.

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我把它称之为“义愤脚本”你曾经按照义愤脚本行事过么?I call it the “outrage script.” Have you ever run the outrage script?

你很少看到思想丰富的人奉行义愤脚本。You won’t often see abundance-minded people running the outrage script.

当然,我们现在已经变成了一家网络公司,碰巧也印了义愤报纸。Of course, we are now a digital company that also happens to print a paper.

在天主教大教堂,选手在体育誓言中喊出了他义愤。In the Catholic cathedral the athlete shouted out his wrath in the athletic oath.

残酷杀害爱国志士激起了全世界人民的义愤,这是可以理解的。The cruel murder of the patriots has understandably aroused worldwide indignation.

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耶稣让他们在一泄义愤之前先审视自己的内心。Jesus told them to look at their own hearts before satisfying their righteous rage.

完全出于对你们长期对中国的歪曲报道的义愤!Completely out of your long-term on China's distorted reports of righteous indignation!

“嘻闹”,让一个人发笑,也让另一个人义愤。That frolick which shakes one man with laughter will convulse another with indignation.

我们必须重新找回上帝身上的恐怖因素,那才是对上帝义愤的正确理解。We must recapture some of the holy terror that comes with a right understanding of God's righteous anger.

大炮威严的轰鸣尖锐地表达了国际社会对侵略的义愤。The haughty voices of the Cannon sharpened the indignation of the international community against aggression.

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内贾德确认将获连任,却仍要面临急剧高涨的义愤之情和四处弥漫的倒戈之声。President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reconfirmed in office, still faces a groundswell of bitter and spreading opposition.

去年一件涉及到一个少女和一个老年妇女的相似的事件同样激起了公众的义愤。A similar case earlier late last year involving a teenage girl and an older woman drew a similar level of public abhorrance.

她找出一本小说就读出声来,小说写的是负心人的故事,很快就激起了那冒牌修女的义愤。She began to read aloud from a novel—a story of a guilty love, and it promptly stirred the impostor to virtuous indignation.