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那你又能指望怎么样呢?Well, what do you expect?

看来我是没指望了。I think I am hopeless here.

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我的同事们都指望我。My colleagues depend on me.

我究竟能指望于谁?Who on earth can I turn to?

我正在指望着你的帮助。I am reckoning on your help.

不要指望系统的拼写检查。Don't rely on spell-checkers.

这样的指望已渐有眉目。That prospect has been rising.

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不要指望一个敷衍塞责的人来帮你。Don't count on a slacker to help.

那时他谁也指望不上了,只有靠他自己。He had no one to hold on to then.

所以别指望只到场就可以了。So do not expect just to show up.

我们必须指望我们的太空家族。We must look to our space family.

而所有人都指望着那个‘也许’。And everyone counts on that might.

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我们都指望你,傻帽。We're all relying on you, gosling.

我不能指望那个懒惰者的帮忙。I can't expect help from the idler.

我曾经默默无语毫无指望地爱过你Silently and hopelessly I loved you

你不要指望我会帮你忙。You must not expect me to help you.

学牛甲指望得到什么样的回答呢?。What is student A's expected answer?

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别指望着我会相信那回事儿。You can't expect me to believe that.

没有人指望你会成为超等明星。Nobody expects you to be a superstar.

你不能指望着他们帮助你。You can't rely upon them to help you.