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脸颊上的两片红晕,使她满面生辉。Two spots of color brightened IT cheeks.

映着阳光强力反射的红晕轻柔。In the soft blush of light's reflected power.

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近表皮的血管给奶白色添了一抹红晕。Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red.

白玖瑰先是惊讶,而后脸上升起一丝红晕。White rose at first, and then face a red rose.

妮可的脸上泛起红晕。“这儿是我的家,”她简单地说道。Nikol flushed. "It is my home, " she said simply.

她那被太阳晒黑了的娇嫩的双颊泛起了红晕。The colour mantled in her delicate sunburnt cheeks.

想到他叫她卡门的样子,她的脸上就泛起红晕。She blushed remembering how he had called her Carmen.

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她那被太阳晒黑了的娇嫩的双颊泛起了红晕。A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator.

他感到脸自脖子一下红了,红晕直涌到了眼镜下。He felt the blush come up over his collar, surge under his glasses.

当四片唇分开的那一刻,他们两个都是满脸红晕。When the four lips separate from that moment, they are two face blush.

他还记得,雕塑家脸上泛起了一层淡淡的红晕。He remembered the dull flush that had burned up in the sculptor's face.

在这里,哈尔斯有意给这个女朗的脸上增加了一点红晕。Here, why hulse hurt. it this female lang face slightly increased glow.

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芷云的脸上抹过一丝红晕,让她的脸更加动人。她沉默不语。Zhi cloud 's face on a flush, let her face more beautiful. Her silence.

上午看到她在床上躺着,脸上有种不正常的红晕。Morning to see her lying in bed, his face kind of does not flush properly.

花儿浪起醉人的红晕,徐徐地奔向我,甜甜地亲吻我。The flowers with intoxicating blush come up to me slowly and kiss me sweetly.

听到最后一个问题,萨米脸红了,虽然他的肤色深,但脸上的红晕还是清晰可见。At the last, Samy blushed, a tint that was visible despite his very dark skin.

当我脸上的红晕终于散去的时候,我睡着了。When the blood eventually leaves my face and recirculates, I finally fall asleep.

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她苍白的脸颊上泛起一抹红晕,低下头看着自己的手。A slight flush suffused her pale face, and she looked down, speaking to her hands.

她转过身来时,他脸上泛起薄薄的红晕,因为他在女孩子面前总有点怯生生的。A faint blush was creeping over his face as she turned, for he was timid with girls.

热辣辣的红晕涌上了少女的脸颊,这说明她知道老人的言外之意。A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion.