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一战期间,我家族的男丁在普鲁士军队服役。During WW1 my family men were in the Prussian army.

你的男丁,必倒在刀下,你的勇士,必死在阵上。Your men will fall by the sword, your warriors in battle.

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利末人中,凡一个月以外被数的男丁,共有23,000名。All the male Levites a month old or more numbered 23, 000.

庄园内共有四百多间房屋。我看到了叶氏家谱记录了十三代男丁的姓名。I saw Ye's family tree, which recorded thirteen generation of the man's name.

这些按着宗族,都是约瑟儿子玛拿西子孙的男丁。These are the other male descendants of Manasseh son of Joseph by their clans.

他们就照耶和华所吩咐摩西的,与米甸人打仗,杀了所有的男丁。They fought against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and killed every man.

耶和华你的神把城交付你手,你就要用刀杀尽这城的男丁。When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it.

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你们一切男丁,要一年三次朝见主耶和华以色列的神。Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord , the God of Israel.

凡属你的男丁,无论困住的,自由的,都从以色列中剪除。I will consume your descendants and cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel-slave or free.

约押和以色列众人在以东住了六个月,直到将以东的男丁尽都剪除。Joab and all the Israelites stayed there for six months, until they had destroyed all the men in Edom.

亚哈全家必都灭亡,凡属亚哈的男丁,无论是困住的,自由的,我必从以色列中剪除。The whole house of Ahab will perish. I will cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel-slave or free.

利未人从三十岁以外的都被数点,他们男丁的数目共有三万八千。The Levites thirty years old or more were counted, and the total number of men was thirty-eight thousand.

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凡属拿八的男丁,我若留一个到明日早晨,愿神重重降罚与我!May God deal with David, be it ever so severely, if by morning I leave alive one male of all who belong to him!

今天要讲的内容分两部分,一是男丁格尔誓言,一是手术室常用英语。Today's talk about the contents of two parts, one man vowed to Dingle , one operating room commonly used English.

属亚多尼干的子孙,就是末尾的,他们的名字是以利法列,耶利,示玛雅,同着他们有男丁六十。And of the last sons of Adonikam, whose names are these, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them threescore males.

朝鲜民族非常偏爱男孩,男丁不但可以经济上赡养父母,还能延续先祖的宗法。Koreans greatly preferred boys, who could not only support their parents financially but also carry out ancestral rites.

自1965年纪子的丈夫文仁秋筱宫亲王出生后,日本皇室一直未添男丁,因此一时间出现了继承人危机。No imperial boys had been born since Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino, in 1965, raising the possibility of a succession crisis.

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自1965年纪子的丈夫文仁秋筱宫亲王出生后,日本皇室一直未添男丁,因此一时间出现了继承人危机。No imperial boys have been born since Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino, in 1965, which raised the possibility of a succession crisis.

凡献给耶和华的火祭,亚伦子孙中的男丁都要吃这一分,直到万代,作他们永得的分。Any male descendant of Aaron may eat it. It is his regular share of the offerings made to the Lord by fire for the generations to come.

因此,我必使灾祸临到耶罗波安的家,将属耶罗波安的男丁,无论困住的,自由的都从以色列中剪除,必除尽耶罗波安的家,如人除尽粪土一般。Because of this, I am going to bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam. I will cut off from Jeroboam every last male in Israel-slave or free.