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能用女子来操演吗?Can you try them out on some women?

让我先给你们操演一下如何驾驶这部车子。Let me demonstrate this car to you.

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士兵到这里参加北大西洋公约组织的操演。The soldiers are here for a NATO exercise.

口述史的操演是一种“立体的”社会记忆。The performance of oral history is a kind of three-dimensional social memorization.

我小心地倾听着我的头脑,它在为无穷的欲求而反复操演、忙个不休。I carefully listened to my mind that kept running on replay with these infinite demands.

该书是对她的性别从性别观点复议早期故障操演。The book constitutes a reconsideration of her earlier view on gender performativity from Gender Trouble.

在不同文化世代中,女性-身体往往是不同意识形态交相指涉的文化操演空间。In the different cultural era, female and body usually are the space where different consciences are mixed.

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嘿,嘿,看这儿!正如你看到的,这个操演的主要目的就是让皱褶蜥蜴跑一跑。Hey, hey watch it! As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizard on the run.

它以特殊的记忆形式进入说唱者的操演并不断加深、重现、重构或重造地方社会记忆。Special mnemonics are used in the narrator's performances, strengthening, re-presenting, and reconstructing local memories.

教师仪式文化通过生产教育正统、权力操演与神圣力量的御用来维持着自己的暗箱运作。Educational rites maintain their implicit operation by creating educational orthodox, manipulating power and exerting holy strength.

一直在观看操演的吴王大惊,他急忙派人替这两个宠姬求情。The king who was watching the training all the time was shocked and immediately sent someone to plead for mercy for his two concubines.

桌面演练仅是一种讨论式的演练,操演式的全面演练才能真正检验海上突发事件应对工作的实战效能。Desk exercises are only a discussion of exercise, . Full drill-style exercises only testing emergencies at sea to deal with the actual job performance.

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口述史能够拒绝语言强势,可以用各种语言操演,其听众既可以是权贵,也可以是“贱民”。Oral history rejects linguistic hegemony and can be performed in various languages with its audience coming from either the noblemen or the " untouchables ".

这是对文学的共时性结构如何运用、操演和构成意识形态所作的历时性分析,也文章的主体部分。This is a diachronic analysis of how the synchronic structure of literature utilizes, demonstrates and constitutes ideology, and also the main part of the thesis.

这本书需要从身体和社会学操演,近年来文化研究的理论压倒利益的出发点。This book takes its point of departure from the overwhelming interest in theories of the body and performativity in sociology and cultural studies in recent years.

让学生从偶的设计制作、剧本规划、灯光使用以及偶之操演、对白设计等进行艺术统合之实验。Let student from accidentally of design manufacture, manuscript programming, light usage and accidentally it practice, dialogue design etc. carry on the experiment of art integration.

展览及其镶嵌所在的博物馆,是塑造与规范历史再现的真理体制,也是权力规训的操演场域,体现为特殊的展示技术和观看之道。Exhibitions and museums are regimes of truth that shaping historical representation, and fields for power regulation-performance embodied in special technologies of display and ways of seeing.