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再有一本即可凑齐这套丛书。One more volume will complete this series.

这些丛书的年销售总量大约为25万册。Annual sales total about a quarter-million books.

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明年我们将出版一套新的关于音乐的丛书。We’re publishing a new series on music next year.

本书是“鹰系列”丛书的第五本。Eagle Adrift is the fifth book in the Eagle series.

本丛书的单行本在不断更新。This series of monographs in the constantly updated.

本丛书侧重提供新技术。The series aims at the presentation of new techniques.

案头放着一套科技丛书。There is a series of science and technology on the desk.

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顶峰娱乐公司还表示,对系列丛书还有更多的计划。Summit suggested it also had wider plans for the book series.

这也是我们编辑出版这套丛书的初衷。This is why we edited and published in the series had in mind.

我只需在我觉得最有用的那些系列丛书中简短地浏览一下就可以了。Let's take a brief look at those series I've found most useful.

本丛书特别注重阅读准备和写前准备的训练。Special attention is paid to pre-reading and pre-writing skills.

相对而言,这部丛书悬念较少,更加注重塑造人物形象,展示风土民情。These books are less about suspense and more about character and place.

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我沉迷在哈里波特系列丛书里,因为好好解散。I was so absorbed in the series of 'Harry Potter', because it's so amazing.

我已经同意要写有关魔法的系列丛书。We have already agreed on another series which is a witchcraft based series.

丛书交换或订阅,请联络王淑娟女士。For subscription or exchange of Nantah Series, please contact Mdm Wang Shujuan.

编纂这样一套丛书,必须对采用的单位制作出原则规定。In producing a series such as this, a policy decision must be made about units.

付之一笑燕归居,居?何处?丛书博朗知铭心,心?丛善?Laugh at Yan is home, home? Where? A series of Braun know heart, heart? Cong Shan?

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在网站的这种高密度记忆海绵和人造毛皮的Kindle套丛书哭泣。Books weep at the site of this high density memory foam and faux fur Kindle sleeve.

全套丛书共364本,由民族出版社统一出版发行。The whole series includes 364 volumes, all published by the Ethnic Publishing House.

它也许是英语语言当中最最标准的参考丛书,可是没有人在乎这个。It may be the gold-standard reference work in the English language, but no one cares.