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他看起来很害羞。He is so shy.

灰姑娘害羞的问。Cinderella shyly.

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别害羞,你来?Don't be shy. Yes?

乔什•蔡斯是个害羞的人。Josh Chiles is shy.

克莱尔害羞的笑了。Clare smiles, shyly.

白灵熊是一种害羞的动物。Spirit bears are shy.

她有点害羞。She is rather bashful.

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害羞的玉梅不再害羞了。No more shy for Yoke Mei.

两个孩子害羞的转过脸去。The boys turned away shyly.

害羞的狗养不胖。A bashful dog never fattens.

安是一个害羞、安静的女孩。Ann is a shy and quiet girl.

什么场合让你害羞了?What situation makes you shy?

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蓝领男孩和害羞的女孩。Blue collar boys and rednecks.

“噢,嗨,”杰弗瑞害羞地说。“Oh,hi,”said Jeffery shyly.”My

他外表有点学究气,相当害羞。He had a haunted look about him.

那害羞的女孩很容易发窘。The shy girl embarrasses easily.

她突然产生一种害羞的感觉。A feeling of shame came over her.

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所有营妓都是这么害羞吗?Are all camp followers so modest?

这就是含羞草“害羞”的原因。This is the Mimosa "shy" reasons.

她太害羞了,不敢和他搭话。She is too shy to dare accost him.