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这个电台播放屯子音乐。The st plays country music.

他在屯子生活了很长时间。He has lived in the country for long.

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躲在屯子里了吗?那是胆小鬼的策略,将军。Hiding in the village eh? That's a coward's tactic, General.

在屯子,剪纸但凡是由夫女、女士们来做。In rural areas, paper cutting is usually by women, girls do.

我意识到屯子明明需要常识。I realized that knowledge is GREatly needed in the countryside.

在屯子地区开办企业享有税收减轻免除。There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.

很多人喜欢住在屯子而不喜欢住在都会。many people prefer living in the country to living in the town.

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我们这个屯子不大,大家都能和睦相处。Our village is not big, all the people can get along harmoniously.

该计划另有一个优点,就是给屯子带来了就业机会。The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.

我假期策动到屯子生活,那会让我忘却许多郁闷。My holidays plan arrive village life, that will let me forget many annoyance.

优酷还记得在屯子和非诚勿扰祖父母一起生活小三那些年吗?Do you remember the years when he lived in the countryside with his grgreintodpare nots.

有的人以为住在都会内里的人享福更多的益处比起住在屯子内里的人。Some people think that people living in the city enjoy more advantages than people living in the country.

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东北部都市养育孩子的花消最高,南部都市和屯子区域则最低。Costs of raising a child are highest in the urban northeast and lowest in the urban south and rural areas.

但我国屯子信誉社不但在正式轨制摆设方面尚不范例,并且还受到了非正式轨制的制约。However, China's RCCs not only are not normative in the formal institutions, but also has been affected by informal institutions.

我国的屯子经济生长尚面对很多瓶颈,此中屯子金融题目尤其令人存眷。Nowadays, the development of China's rural economy is facing lots of bottlenecks where in the rural finance is especially highlighted.

自从网点至多的银行屯子信用相助社,划分给处所管理之后,大家都在改名了。Since the network up to help solve the problem of bank credit Tsz Society, allocated to the management of premises, after everyone is renamed.

在三亚北方的屯子,你可以看到山坡上长满了杧果树,稻田里一队队的农平易近和水牛们正在辛劳地劳作着。In the countryside north of Sanya, you can see the hellollsides heavy with mango trees and rice paddies worked by teams of farmers and water buffalo.

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而屯子恒久形成的习俗与社会干系典质等非正式轨制身分以及衍生的非正式金融,则间接影响了屯子信誉社的生长。For the other thing, the intrinsic customs and habits, that is, informal finance derived from informal institutions, indirectly bring about some effect.

但从屯子信用社目前的自身板制和外部情况来看,显然不舒服该时下多元化经济成长的需要。However, its current system of rural credit cooperatives and the external environment, is clearly not suited to the current diversified economic development.