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她说服他移居。She persuaded him to decamp.

他已移居国外。He expatriated from his homeland.

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她已移居国外。She expatriated from her homeland.

如果你想晒黑,移居弗罗里达吧。If you want a tan, move to Florida.

他是个移居澳大利亚的英国人。He is a British emigrant to Australia.

帕克先生和苏蜜走出了移居入境。Mr. Pak and Su-mi go out of immigration.

狮群移居到西边的树林里。The lions emigrated to the western woods.

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他们用移居国外的方法逃避纳税。They evade paying taxes by living abroad.

他移居巴黎多年。He expatriated himself for years at Paris.

移居亚利桑纳州治好了她的气喘病。Moving to Arizona cured her of her asthma.

狮群移居到西边的树林里。Thee lions emigrated to the western woods.

公司正解雇移居国外的职员。Companies are pulling out expatriate staff.

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他正在考虑移居国外。He is considering that migrates the abroad.

希腊人没有移居到西西里岛内陆The inland, the Greeks don't move in there.

但是,虽然身处异国仍然有很多移居国外的人会浪费这种机会。But many expats still waste the opportunity.

他的家从意大利移居到美国。His family emigrated from IT aly to America.

许多犹太人移居美国。Many Jews immigrated into the United States.

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夏天王室上下都移居到乡下去。The court moves to the country in the summer.

全家人移居到另一个国家。The whole family migrated to another country.

他大约在五年前移居澳大利亚。He went out to Australia about five years ago.