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收缩着并呻吟着。Contracting and groaning.

收缩膜包装。Se empaqueta por shrink film.

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金属受冷就收缩。The metal contracts with cold.

你也可以用鼻血管收缩剂。You may also take decongestant.

收缩你的肌肉后再跳。Gather up your muscles and jump.

金属在寒冷的天气中会收缩。Metals contract in cold weather.

金属在“寒冷”的天气里收缩。Metals contract in cold weather.

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低温使水收缩。Water contracts in cold weather.

铁冷却时收缩。Iron contracts as it gets cooler.

低温使金属收缩。Low temperature contracts metals.

其实,收缩是虎头蛇尾。In fact, contraction is a cop-out.

这种肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗?。Wollen fabrics shrink in the wash.

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现在襟翼全部收缩进去了。Now the flaps were fully retracted.

毛料衣服在热水中会收缩的。Woolen clothes shrink in hot water.

金属冷则收缩。Metals contract as they become cool.

这种肥皂不会使毛织物收缩。This soap won't shrink woolen goods.

这肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗?Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?

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心脏是一种收缩性很强的器官。The heart is a highly contractile organ.

用烘箱和热风枪加热即可收缩。Using oven or heat gun to let it shrink.

罪犯收缩膜包装的探索。Convict ShrinkWrap packaging exploration.