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能节士-您可信赖的能源节约卫士!CAS-Care all saving of energy!

如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。The yeoman warders manage it now.

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我们才是自由的真正忠诚卫士。We are the true adherents of liberty.

这些卫士可以用静默和睡眠对付.The Ace cardians can be Silenced and Slept.

矮人龙卫士祝您新年快乐!Dwarf Dragon Guard wish you a Happy New Year!

雷尔眼睛眯起来,向他的卫士们点点头。Ryel's eyes narrowed and he nodded to his guard.

蕾露和她那些和平卫士们需要大把的安静。Raylou and her pacifists require a boatload of quiet.

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总统不带卫士在人群中自由走动安全吗?。Is it safe for the President to walk about without a guard?

罗伯特孟纳德是一个以人权卫士可变几何形状。Robert Menard is a defender of human rights variable geometry.

从我做起,成为文明小卫士,我爱大自然。Starts from me, be civilization small guards, I love the nature.

感觉这一棵棵秀丽挺拔的白桦树就像一个个肃立的卫士一样。I find these erect white birches look like soldiers standing guard.

在希腊他们杀不了卡罗里德斯,因为他有许多卫士。They can't kill Karolides in Greece because he has too many guards.

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缠绕叉卫士提供的滑块的保护。Wrap-around fork guards provide excellent protection for the sliders.

一入宫殿,卫士们立刻关上门,困住风鹿。Once inside, the palace guards closed the doors, and the wind-deer was trapped.

河流卫士通过定期行走一段河流的河岸来看护河流。River guardians look after a river by regularly walking a stretch of riverbank.

因此,硒元素被称为“生命的火种,健康的卫士”。Therefore, selenium is called "the kindling of life" and "bodyguard of health".

中国曾为其研制过源自“天空卫士”系统的多种火控雷达。China has produced various fire control radars derived from the SkyGuard system.

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反圣武士像牧师那样准备和施放法术,使用黑暗卫士的法术列表。He prepares and casts spells just like a cleric. He uses the blackguard spell list.

果然,不出卫士所料,一年不到,国君就买到了三匹千里马。As the guard had expected, the king bought three thousand-li horses within one year.

在一个灯光微明的大帐篷里,一个人坐在宝座上,一群武装卫士护卫着他。In a dimly lit pavilion, a man sat upon an iron throne, surrounded by armored guards.