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红颜祸水,这场争论因她而起。She is Helen of Troy in the quarrel.

这个黑社会组织是当地的一股祸水。The underworld is a peril to the area.

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都说红颜是祸水,红颜何罪?All say beauty is, what the crime as a beauty?

她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。She's a beautiful girl—but beware, she's jailbait.

她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。She’s a beautiful girl—but beware, she’s jailbait.

朱颜只是一个代名词,祸水只是一个贬义词。Beauty is just a pronoun, just as a derogatory term.

我可不想让个祸水妞跟我儿子整天出来进去的。I wouldn't want my son to have a jailbait hanging around him.

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她不想让个祸水妞跟她的儿子整天出来进去的。She wouldn't want her son to have a jailbait hanging around him.

这个世界大可不必担心剃光头的女孩是诱人的祸水啦。The world doesn’t need another gag about a girl with come in her hair.

而在之后的木马屠城中,这个可怜的英雄,又死于红颜祸水。But in after of the wood horse annihilate a city, the hero of this wretchedness , and then die in a beauty disaster water.

但在生活中的某些细微方面,美丽可能会成为一种阻碍,研究者称之为“红颜祸水”效应。But in one narrow aspect of life, beauty can be a hindrance, something researchers have called the 'beauty is beastly' effect.

重点讨论贵族男子对妇女的审美观,并对“红颜祸水论”的错误观念试作初步的辨析。Discussion shall be focused on noble men's aesthetic views on woman, with primary analysis on wrong concept of"Helen of Troy".

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这个才20岁的“祸水妞”稚气未脱,有时扎起粗辫子来看着更小。At 20 she was "a piece of jailbait", a mere child, especially with the stumpy plaits into which she sometimes twisted her hair.

鸡饭仔发现了池塘边被传是祸水的女孩娜乌,两人互生情愫,交流了定情信物。Chicken rice seed discovered the pond was preached is such girl na uzziah, the two greatest sincerity, communicate decease tokens.

在越南赌球被认为是对社会危害极大的祸水,可是赌球依然十分流行和普遍。Even though communist Vietnam outlaws gambling, which is considered a "social evil, " betting on football remains popular and widespread.

一些商店,包括“按摩乐”的旧金山店和“红颜祸水”的明尼阿波利斯店都已经中止采购含有邻苯二甲酸盐的产品。Some shops, including Good Vibrations in San Francisco and Smitten Kitten in Minneapolis, have stopped carrying products with phthalates.

两书都表现了红颜祸水和德欲矛盾的观念,尤其都设置了一组对立的类型,表现了对女性的轻视和不平等。In particular, the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated.

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祸水三尾妖狐同学掐着兰花指扯起袖子,遮着半张脸朝我抛个媚眼。Disaster water 3 tail devil fox classmates stifle an arethusa to start to pluck sleeves and hide a half piece face reign I throw a seductive eyes.

南京国民政府实行亲英美政策,而英国试图把战争祸水引往苏联,对日步步妥协。Nanjing National Government was close to England and American, and England tried to break out the war in Russia, then England came to terms with Japan again and again.

首先,为防止祸水蔓延,欧央行必须准备好向希腊银行注入流动性---如果希腊最终退出欧元将增加欧盟纳税人的损失。First, to prevent a mass run, the European Central Bank must be ready to flood the Greek banks with liquidity—raising the losses to European taxpayers if Greece does eventually leave.