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50年代,从事舞台美术与美术编辑工作。In 40, 50 time, in the stage art and art editor work.

京剧舞台美术分为「人物造型」和「景物造型」两大类型。The stage design of Beijing Opera is separated from characters and scenes.

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这个可爱的女孩子是青岛人,在中央戏剧学院学习舞台美术。This cute young Qingdao girls studies set design at the Beijing Drama Academy.

1988年毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系。He graduated from the Shanghai Drama Institute, Stage Design Department in 1988.

第四章,重点研究图形、符号在电视舞台美术设计中的应用。The fourth, emphases on. an application for figure, symbol on TV stage art designing.

以及比较现代中国和韩国舞台美术的特征、创造力的概念。Second part will pay more attention to the creation of their art and designing concept.

张婷,23岁,毕业于中国戏曲学院舞台美术系戏剧影视美术设计专业。Zhang Ting, 23, graduated from Dept. of Stage Arts, Academy of Chinese Traditional Opera.

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它是融音乐、戏剧、诗歌、舞蹈、舞台美术等为一体的综合性艺术。It is the comprehensive art that synthetize music, drama, verse, dance, the stage art etc.

结语是对当今舞台美术设计的发展趋势与功能和角色的变化的总结。The conclusion part will concentrate that what kind of a role will the stage design play in the near future.

在文学、表演、音乐、舞台美术等各个方面,京剧都有一套规范化的艺术表现程式。In terms of literature, performance, music and stage arts, Peking Opera has a set of standardized procedures of performance.

歌剧是一种综合性的舞台音乐戏剧艺术,它融音乐、戏剧、舞蹈和舞台美术于一体。Opera is a comprehensive art of the theatre, incorporating into itself such arts as music, drama, dance and other stage arts.

引言主要介绍西方出现舞台美术的情况及同时代中国和韩国的舞台美术特征。The preface will introduce you the general idea of stage design in most western countries now and meanwhile, in Korean and China.

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剧团舞台美术部门参与了本团和外团众多舞剧的舞美设计和制作。The Stage Art Department of the company has designed and manufactured many productions for NBC, and for other companies occasionally.

北京华北大学美术科及中央戏剧学院舞台美术系本科毕业。Beijing North China University of Fine Arts Division and the Central Academy of Drama Department of Fine Arts Stage bachelor's degree.

以综合媒介形式存在的舞台美术,更是直接反映了科学技术在其表现手段、艺术风格的变革上的推动力。Even developed from stage drama to cyberdrama, all these reflect enlarging changes which modern science brings to the stage art of drama.

在舞台美术方面也注重假定性,也注重与观众的交流,注重时空的自由转换。Concerning the stage art, the assumption, the communication with the audience, and the free conversion of space-time are equally stressed.

第一,从歌舞剧的创作剧本、音乐、舞蹈及舞台美术来阐述作品创作的特点和风格。Firstly, to expatiate the characteristics and style of the works from the play book, music, dance and stage art of the dance and music drama.

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它面临着与社会脱节、作品陈旧、新人匮乏、低龄观众流失、舞台美术陈旧等诸多问题。There are many problems such as deviation from the society, obsolete performance, a lack of fresh appearances, loss of younger audience, and the outdated stage decoration.

1923年赴美国留学,入宾夕法尼亚大学学习建筑,后入耶鲁大学戏剧学院学习舞台美术。She went to the United States for study in 1923, majoringat architecture in the University of Pennsylvania, later studying stage art in the College of Theatre, Yale University.

本文主要研究的是图形,视觉形态语言在电视传播、虚拟演播室背景,特别是电视舞台美术创作中的应用。This text studies primarily of is a figure, the sense of vision appearance language advertises on TV, television stage art, conjecture studio an application in the original work.