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我相信他没有以权谋私。I believe that he did not do it for personal gain.

环境署监察长使惠特曼从以权谋私的指责中得以开脱。Whitman was cleared of the conflict by the EPA inspector general.

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腐败作为一种世界文明的社会公害,其实质是以权谋私。Corruption, a worldwide social problem, is essential abuse of power.

因为我帮过你一点忙,所以免费理发会让人觉得我这是在以权谋私。Since I have sort of done you a favor, I don't think it would be ethical to get a free haircut.

它是一种明显的以权谋私行为,但又具有它特定的属性。It is an action abusing power for personal gain evidently , but is has its characteristic itself.

政府工作人员必须用人民赋予的权力为人民谋利益,绝不能以权谋私。Government officials must use the power entrusted by the people for the benefit of the people, can not.

腐败的本质是权力腐败,表现为滥用职权、以权谋私。The essence of corruption is power corruption, e. g. abuse of authority, abuse of power for personal gain.

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银行家们依法执业,政治家按政治体系的法则行事,官僚们也没有以权谋私。Politicians did what they thought the system asked of them. Bureaucrats were not exchanging cash for favors.

彻底的现代化将会对其造成极大的威胁,因为一个更健全的机制会增大以权谋私的难度。Serious modernisation threatens them because it would require stronger institutions that would make this harder.

前任内政部长阿德利因洗钱和以权谋私被判十二年有期徒刑。The former interior minister, Mr Adly, has already been sentenced to 12 years in jail for money-laundering and profiteering.

美国人在财务上不相信共和党人在某种程度上是因为有些共和党人或者被发现非法收受贿赂或者以权谋私。Americans stopped trusting Republicans with their money in part because some were caught trousering bribes or peddling influence.

高考招生录取工作几年来存在着徇私舞弊、以权谋私的问题,有许多不公平的现象。There are many unfair deeds in the process of college admission, such as practice of favoritism and abuse of power for personal gain.

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人们不再相信那些商业领袖能打造出可持续发展的百年老店,而是认为他们以权谋私,只考虑股东的短期利益。As a result, people lost trust in business leaders to build sustain able institutions instead of serving themselves and short-term shareholders.

2009年4月,纽芬兰省前任高官埃德·伯恩,因在选区津贴丑闻中存在以权谋私行为而被判决有罪。In April 2009, former Newfoundland politician Ed Byrne was convicted of influence peddling for his actions in the Constituency Allowance Scandal.

也许更具破坏性的是,中央政府以最大善意作出的决策,却被以权谋私的地方官员拆了台。Perhaps more damaging is that central government officials acting with the best of intentions may be undermined by local officials who are pursuing their own agendas.

2008年12月,时任伊利诺伊州州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇,被控以权谋私而企图出售当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马所空出的参议员席位。As of December 2008, The current Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich was accused of influence peddling in attempting to sell the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

改革开放以来,我国社会生活中出现了腐败现象蔓延的趋势,尤其是党政干部中存在比较严重的贪污受贿、以权谋私。There has been a trend of corruption in Chinese society ever since the reform and open policy. Bribery and abuse of power are particularly serious problems with some of the leading officials.

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到了医院门口,珍珠说自己去要床位,还叮嘱大家假装跟自己不认识,以免领导批评自己以权谋私,大家信以为真同意了。In the hospital, pearl say that they go to bed, also told everybody pretend like you dont know, in order to avoid leaders criticized his abuse power for personal gains, believe everyone agreed.

这些指责包括成本过高、票价太贵、质量问题以及对年初因腐败落马的铁道部前部长以权谋私的指控。Complaints include the system’s high costs and pricey fares, the quality of construction and the allegation of self-dealing by a rail minister who was fired earlier this year on corruption grounds.