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基米是从来不碰烈性饮料的。Jimmy never touched “hard” drinks.

我的朋友坐下来,然后点了一杯烈性饮品。MY friend sat down and ordered a stiff drink.

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我不认为她是那种会喝烈性饮品的人。I didn't think of her as the stiff-drink kind.

你爸爸说你是个‘真正的烈性子’。‘A real spitfire, ’ your father said.” Guillermo smiled.

此片仅仅献给爱好烈性犬的狗友。The video only dedicate to people who love ferocious dogs.

什么才更原始,烈性苹果酒还是草莓玛格丽塔酒?Which is more primal, hard cider or a strawberry margarita?

他们装了一小包烈性炸药把门炸掉了。They blew the door off with a small charge of high explosive.

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反恐专家们对那些能在家里制造出的烈性炸药甚感烦恼。Counter-terrorism experts fret about home-made high explosives.

他们选择的是一种他们称为“黑煞”的烈性麻醉剂。Their drug of choice was a potent intoxicant they called hashish.

医生给病人一些烈性药。PHYSICIAN】The physician gave his sick patient some strong medicine.

这样她便又喝了一大口,那烈性液体立即从喉管里火辣辣地流下去了。She swallowed deeply and the hot liquid burned suddenly in her throat.

而相思的浓度,却如陈年的老酒,时间愈久,愈显不羁的烈性。And Acacia concentration, like old wine, the longer, more unruly spirits.

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辉格党在各地搭建小木屋,并向每个人免费提供烈性苹果酒。The Whigs put up log cabins everywhere and offered free hard cider to everyone.

如果说恋爱是甜美的酒浆,但随便乱喝,也会变成烈性的毒汁。JiuJiang if love is sweet, but drink at random, will also become a potent poison.

马姆齐甜酒一种甜味的烈性葡萄酒,原产于希腊,现在主要产于马德拉。A sweet fortified wine originally made in greece and now produced mainly in madeira.

中国宴席餐桌上的酒通常为啤酒、黄酒喝烈性白酒三种。Often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.

与硝酸反应生成四硝基季戊四醇,是一种烈性炸药。Becoming tetranitro pentaerythritol responsed with the nitric acid and is high explosive.

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烈性黑啤可含有微量咖啡,巧克力,甘草或是糖浆,却没有明显酒花。Stouts can carry hints of coffee, chocolate, licorice, and molasses with no apparent hops.

鹅副粘病毒病是近年来引起各种年龄鹅发病并致死的一种烈性传染病。Geese's paramyxovirus, a new viral disease with higher mortality to various kinds of geese.

所谓灵魂的铅块便是由啤酒、烧酒、苦艾酒这三种酒的烈性构成的。It is of these three vapors, beer, brandy, and absinthe, that the lead of the soul is composed.