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这是我的暑假作业。It is my homework.

我会对作业进行总结。Homework will be posed.

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我还没有做完作业呢。I have not done it job.

分组作业是强制的。Sections are mandatory.

他也许在做作业。He may be doing homework.

请把作业传上来。Pass your work up please.

梅梅有许多作业要做。Meimei, have, a lot of, do.

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作业很多。you have a lot of homework.

是否有写作业的计划表?Is there a homework schedule?

他把作业忘家里了。He lefts his homework at home.

你做你的作业,我在这等一会儿。Just goon with your home work.

手动或液压作业。Manual or hydraulic operation.

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请把你的作业交上来。Please hand in your workbooks.

他拿我的作业与她的相比较。He compared my paper with hers.

我喜欢单独做作业。I like to do my homework alone.

他常在白天做作业。He often do his homework by day.

每个人都要做这个作业。It's, everybody has to do it and

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今晚会布置另外的作业Others will be assigned tonight.

理货组长,为什么停止作业?Chief tallyman, why stop working?

作业在下节课交。The assignment is due next class.