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想练就英语口语真功夫吗?Do you want to conquer English?

诗人是天生的,演说家则是后天练就的。Poets are born, but orators are made.

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最后,我渴望练就温文尔雅的性情。Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.

你觉得一次合练就能让你的首演如此精彩呢?。Didn't you feel comfortable the second day?

蹉跎中练就一身生存技能。I slacked and learned a few survival skills.

要痛到什么程度,才练就了今天的百毒不侵。To hurt and to what extent, acquired today from.

他练就了一些技巧,能打败左手握拍的球员。He has developed techniques to defeat left-handers.

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小小的温斯洛就凭着这些练就了他早期的绘画技能。Young Winslow used these to develop his early skill.

我练就一副在压力之下保持镇静的本领。I have schooled myself to remain calm under pressure.

哑人练就了很强的唇读能力。Some deaf and mute people have strong lip-reading ability.

其中两个月,她差不多每天都来,一练就是好几个小时。She came almost every day for several hours, for about two months.

他们花了很多时间精力来练就一身好肌肉。They put a lot of time and energy into developing amazing muscles.

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这些美丽的女士根本不需要筷子来练就笑容。These pretty ladies really dont need a chopstick to create a smile.

当然,我仍然比其他较强的英语学习者练就了一身好。Of course, I am still an adept compared to other strong English learners.

被拒绝后是练就厚脸皮的最佳时机。There is no better time to develop some thick skin than after a rejection.

经过寒暑不辍的努力,他终于练就了一手的好字。Through years of constant effort, he finally became skilled in calligraphy.

你觉得一次合练就能让你的首演如此精彩呢?。Did you think your first appearence could be so good after only one practice?

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另一个原因是你练就了更多的肌肉,肌肉可比脂肪密集得多。Another explanation is that you're building more muscle mass, which is denser than fat.

在大的俱乐部,你必须练就钢筋铁骨,因为一堆人会掂着砖看着你!In a big club, you need to be extremely strong because you get a lot of negative vibes.

这有利于提高她的口头表达能力以及练就在众人面前的胆量。It contributes to her oral speaking as well as being unembarrassed in front of audience.