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她会认为我们是联手对付她。They are ganging up on me.

俱乐部会员和探戈舞者联手!Clubbers and tango dancers unite!

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这两个联手合作。The two have worked hand-in-hand.

匪徒们联手在上半场拿到了15分。They accounted for 15 first-half points.

她会认为我们是联手对付她。She'd feel like we're ganging up with her.

我们没有人可以从曼联手中抢回失去的冠军。No-one can take anything away from Man Utd.

但罗尔·邓和诺亚联手制止了詹姆斯的行动。Luol Deng and Joakim Noah put a stop to that.

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警方与群众联手与犯罪行为做斗争。The police and the people join to combat crime.

你不能跟她一起走,但是你可以和她常联手。You can’t follow her, but you can stay in touch.

保护和开发可以联手并进。Conservation and development can go hand in hand.

我们可以联手起来共同对付亡灵族。We could fight together against the Necromancers.

群防群治,警民联手,扎紧联防带。Mass Prevention, Hand in Hand, Close Look on Border.

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明眼的银行家们为另外的联手行动摇旗呐喊。Bright-eyed bankers peddle ideas for other combinations.

在某些条件时,两个圣武士联手并立前方。In some situations two paladins in front can come in handy.

他们联手协作,共同挑战巴基斯坦国。They are working together to challenge the Pakistani state.

这次园校合作可称得上是强强联手。The park can be regarded as strong school partnership together.

英国也曾经与社会创新基金会联手实践。The British have also experimented with social-innovation funds.

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成俊打电话约见道贤,说出想联手的想法。ChengJun call appointment dao Yin, speak to the idea of together.

他是时在与另两家安全公司联手合作。Barr was working in conjunction with two other security companies.

这些轻微联手的广告被称为联合效应。This advertising slight-of-hand is called associative conditioning.