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来看看下列五个抢手的在线学位。Check out these five smart online degree options.

按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。Massage chairs are popular gifts for Father's Day.

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现在它正近乎愚蠢地试图变得更抢手。Now it strove to be even more welcoming, almost silly.

近来,设计师出品的牛仔装很抢手,而长裙则已经过时。These days, designer jeans are in and long skirts are out.

因为机票抢手,所以我决定取消定位了。Because the flight was overbooked , so I decided to be bumped.

历经5年,中国绿卡正变得越来越抢手。Five years on, the card is an increasingly sought-after document.

在麦克阿瑟公园,假身份证是苯丙胺之后最抢手的产品。In MacArthur Park, fake IDs were the hottest seller after amphetamines.

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淘金的著名楼盘——淘金家园一直是众买家抢手的单位。The famous gold rush, building-home has been the gold buyers wanted unit.

分析即将消失的或正变得越来越抢手的职业的趋势性数据。Analyze trend data about which careers are dying or becoming more in demand.

伦敦的急症室正处于史上最抢手的时期。London's accident and emergency services are desperate at the best of times.

在曼哈顿区一些最抢手的学校里,争夺一个名额的竞争是非常激烈的。Competition for a spot at some of Manhattan's most coveted schools is fierce.

我只是好奇,怎么他成得了抢手的指挥官而你只能在这里做个小吏呢?I was just curious, how was he is a hotshot commander and you are this smallpol?

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一位流行歌手的新CD可能一发布就会很抢手。A popular singer's new CD will be selling like hotcakes as soon as it is released.

同时,亚航提供在线和手机值机,允商务旅行者可以预订“抢手的座位”。It is allowing online and mobile check-in. Business travelers can book “Hot Seats”.

他还强调虽然季票很抢手,但是球队不会压榨球迷。He also insisted United would not fleece fans despite the demand for season tickets.

十八世纪末期,煤炭成为最抢手的自然资源。In the late 18th century coal became one of the most sought-after natural resources.

四名受害者和抢手,当场死亡,另外三名在送亡医院后,死亡。Four victims and the gunman died at the scene and three others died later at a hospital.

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而电气工程专业等宽口径“应用型”人才也在2007年十分抢手。The wide scope and applied talent major in Electrical Engineering is also very popular in 2007.

在会议期间,一位著名发言者是非常抢手的,特别是对于电视和电台而言。A star speaker will be in great demand during the conference, especially by television and radio.

转瞬之间,美钞突然变得抢手起来。不过,赚钱并不一定就此变得更容易。SUDDENLY, IT IS all about the Benjamins . But it won't necessarily get any easier to make a buck.