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半空就是半满。Half empty is half full.

说它半满还是半空好?Half empty or half full?

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玻璃杯是半满的还是半空的呢?Is the glass half empty or half full?

忽而静静地在半空如一树繁花。And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.

洪英半空碎抛盘,白三蒙眼空中击铃铛。Hong Ying empty broken 7906, white eye Sanmeng air strike bell.

盐及胡椒瓶是油滑的,或是半空的。When salt and pepper shakers are greasy to touch or half empty.

他便以箭射我,然我举起手来,弓箭便停在半空之中。He shot at me with an arrow, but I held up my hands and it stopped in mid-air.

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我们确信那是一颗会在半空分裂成众多弹头的弹道导弹。Believed to be a burst missile, with multiple warheads that separate in mid-air.

接著,所有活著的信徒会被提到半空之中,与主相遇。Then there will be instant rapture for those believers alive, when Christ comes.

自由奔跑包括许多技巧动作,尤其是半空弹跳与旋转。Free-running involves a lot of trick moves, particularly mid-air flips and spins.

约翰逊和他信赖的同伴就像在一个半空的舞台前作秀。He and his trusty sidekicks were putting on a show in front of a half-empty arena.

假如我是一朵雪花,翩翩的在半空里潇洒。If I am a snowflake, lightly moving of natural and unrestrained in the half emptily.

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凭借有力的犄角,领头的公牛冲向一头狮子并将其挑到半空当中。With his powerful horns, the lead bull catches and then flips one of the cats into the air.

所以他又派他们半夜把嘉雷戈弄上一架直升飞机,在半空把他推了下去。So he sent them to take Gallego up in a helicopter in the middle of the night. They pushed him out.

在高空滑板运动中,你从飞机上跳出来,用滑板在空气中“冲浪”,在半空做体操!In sky surfing you jump out of an aeroplane and use a board to 'surf' the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air!

缎带不仅能让人优雅的在半空飞行,同时还是我们在长途飞行之后接触疲惫的绝好方法。It was not only a beautiful apparatus for flying, but a great way to decompress our spine after long flights.

玩家将小球升到半空后,他们需要尽量让这个摇摇晃晃的小球穿过铁环、玩具塔和其他障碍物。Once a player has the ball in the air they need to try to weave it through hoops, towers and other obstacles.

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玻璃缸是半空还是半满?这家夥赌弹球大获全胜或是打算花光毕生积蓄。Is the glass half empty or half full? This guy either won big at Pachinko or he's about to spend his life fortune.

就像是你看到一杯水,杯中的水是半空还是半满全取决于你的态度。Just like someone looking at a glass of water , whether it is half empty or half full, all based on your attitude.

然后,当柜台后的女子关闭窗子之后,她抓起一个半空的啤酒瓶子,从窗子中扔过去。Then when the woman behind the counter closes the window, she grabs a half-empty beer bottle and throws it through the glass.