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祝中华人民共和国和香港特别行政区区旗上的紫荆花开得更艳!I wish PRC and the HKSAR flag Bauhinia flowers on the more-yan!

劳工处负责执行香港特别行政区的劳工法例。The Labour Department administers labour laws in force in the HKSAR.

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中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。b. The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.

香港特别行政区的土地,全属国家所有,特区政府负责土地的批出及管理。All land within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is state property.

陈氏于2006年获香港特别行政区政府颁赠金紫荆星章。Mr. Chan received the Gold Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government in 2006.

香港特别行政区的区徽是紫荆花。The bauhinia flower is the emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

我第一次看见紫荆花是在香港特别行政区的区徽上。The bauhinia flower is the emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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香港特别行政区分为390个选区,每个选区选出一名区议员。The HKSAR is divided into 390 constituencies, in each of which a member is elected.

本论文主要是对中国香港特别行政区的小学生童装的市场、品牌和设计进行研究。In this essay, primary student's wears in Hong Kong analysis by examining its parts.

中国,香港特别行政区,新界荃湾青山道298号,南丰中心19层1905室。China's Hongkong, Tsuen Wan Castle Peak Road 298, Nan Fung centre 19 Building 1905 room.

香港特别行政区区徽是代表香港的徽章。The Hong Kong special administrative region regional emblem represents Hong Kong's badge.

在出任政务司司长之前,曾先生担任香港特别行政区政府财政司司长。Before becoming Chief Secretary, Mr. Tsang was Financial Secretary in the HKSAR Government.

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中国香港特别行政区的地政管理是世界上较为完善的地区之一。Hong Kong of China is one of the most advanced regions on land administration in the world.

除北京外,纳波利塔诺总统将访问上海及澳门和香港特别行政区。Apart from Beijing, President Napolitano will also visit Shanghai, Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR.

对不符合本解释和香港特别行政区法律规定的宣誓,应确定为无效宣誓,并不得重新安排宣誓。If the oath taken is determined as invalid, no arrangement shall be made for retaking the oath.

只有俄罗斯总统普京和香港特别行政区长官曾荫权选择了绿色。Only Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hong Kong's chief executive Donald Tsang chose green.

“新近开放的香港迪士尼乐园使香港特别行政区成为最热门的目的地”王说。"The newly-opened Hong Kong Disneyland made the SAR to be the hottest destination, " Wang said.

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香港特别行政区的区旗是五星花蕊的紫荆花红旗。The regional flag of HKSAR is a red flag with a bauhinia highlighted by five star-tipped stamens.

只有俄罗斯总统普京和香港特别行政区长官曾荫权选择了绿色。Only Slavonic President Vladimir Putin and Hong Kong's main administrative Donald Tsang chose green.

凡列于本法附件三之法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。The laws listed therein shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the Region.