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新来的移民是否会落地生根?Will the new arrivals strike roots here?

爱,是一见而生,在心中落地生根。Love is a see born, take root in the heart.

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我听了很惭愧,因为我本是打算在此落地生根的。Guilt crawled into me, Cause I've plan to stay here for good.

基督意识能在地球上落地生根之前,需要很长一段时间。It has taken a long time before Christ consciousness could set foot on earth.

从那以后每年都有篱笆外的新物种被风吹入园内落地生根。Each year thereafter new species blow in from outside the fence and take root.

有的人呆了几年,有的人在那里落地生根,一住好多代。Some stayed for a few years. Others set down roots and stayed for many generations.

马公基督长老教会代表外来宗教与文化在本地落地生根。The Magong Presbyterian Church means the rooting of the foreign religion and culture.

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只有认真做好这三方面的工作才能有效保证绩效管理体系在项目管理中的落地生根。Only seriously to do these three areas that performance appraisal system could be made good results.

天水围区独有的特色休憩长椅,椅上种满植物,净化空气之馀亦象徵天水围文化在此落地生根。The students designed a fully planted bench to symbolize the identity and prospectives of Tin Shui Wai.

在这些岛上落地生根的人,很可能会走出自己的演化道路。Those that put down roots on these islands may well have set off on their own evolutionary trajectories.

在蓝色玻璃大厦展厅里,一幅幅图片生动展示了华为在非洲国家落地生根、开花结果的历程。In the exhibition hall of this blue glass building, pictures vividly displayed the journey of Huawei's growth in Africa.

它在重要的历史时刻落地生根,让我们回到犹太人对上帝的看法,意味着什么。So it's grounded in a historical moment, and we'll come back to this and what that might mean about her perception of God.

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飞吧,飞吧,在生活的田野上,你的愿望,像这蒲公英的小绒花,将落地生根,遍地开花…Fly, fly, over the field of life, your wish will take root and blossom everywhere, just like this small flower of dandelion.

与此同时,巴西当局和严格的环境法使部分中国企业无法在巴西落地生根。Meanwhile, Brazilian bureaucracy and strict environmental laws have kept some Chinese ventures from getting off the ground in Brazil.

自此,这些朝鲜族人就在延边落地生根,变成中国藉的朝鲜人,他们能说一口流俐的韩语和国语。Since then Korean ethnics began to make a life in Tingbian, becoming Chinese of Korean ethnicity, and can speak fluent Mandarin and Korean.

乒乓球运动在中国的传播、开展已经有一百多年的历史,这项起源于西方的运动项目在中华大地落地生根,茁壮成长,长久不衰。Table tennis has a history of more than 100 years in China, which originated from western sport. No long term recurrent phenomenon is accidental.

昆明和远离东部沿海的许多中国内陆城市一样,在80年代中期改革开放政策才刚刚落地生根。As was the case in many Chinese cities inland from the eastern coast, the open door and reform. era was just taking root in Kunming by the mid-80s.

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飞吧!飞吧!在生活的田野上,你的愿望,像这蒲公英的小绒花,将落地生根,遍地开花。Let your wishes fly in the vast field of life. Like the small flowers of the dandelion, they will fall to the ground to take root, and flourish everywhere.

另有100棵树木植物在围绕着树博馆的公园落地生根,他们亦将进一步规划为景观建筑兼空间实验室。Another 100 trees and plants are located in the Park which surrounds the Tree Museum, which will furthermore also serve as a landscape architecture and space laboratory.

目前,有42个国家和地区的客商在秦皇岛投资置业,有14个世界500强企业在秦皇岛落地生根。At present , the travelling traders of 42 countries and regions make an investment in Qinhuangdao and buy property, 14 world 500 top enterprises take root in Qinhuangdao.