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教会并没有受戒的神职人员。The church has no ordained clergy.

不受戒是真“自由”吗?Will "not receiving precepts" give you true freedom?

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我将永不会做一个苦行僧,如果她不和我一同去受戒。I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me.

于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu.

小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做“沙弥”。A little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a 'sami. '

小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做“沙弥”。A little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a novice monk.

耶路撒冷名胜图片。犹太人集合在西方的墙壁读律法当一个受戒仪式典礼。Jews gather at the Western Wall to read the Torah during a bar mitzvah celebration.

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你要是听其自由,不受戒,以后堕落地狱里,什麽时候才能出来,那是没有人能担保的。If you like to be free and don't take precepts, then later when you fall into the hells, it's not for sure when you will come out.

本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入蜀,在成都五年的参学之地和受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的千古悬案。It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi, trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi.

当我们出生,我们没有就我们是谁接受培训或有关知识,或我们在哪里,也没有得到受戒的生活,或像昔日在这个星球上每一个部落受到点化。When we were born we did not receive training or knowledge about who we are, or where we are, nor did we get Initiated into life as they did in the old days in every tribe on this planet.

藏传佛教特有的活佛转世的传承方式得到充分尊重,寺庙学经、辩经、受戒、灌顶、修行等传统宗教活动和寺庙学经考核晋升学位活动正常进行。The Living Buddha reincarnation system, unique to Tibetan Buddhism, is fully respected. People are free to learn and debate Buddhist doctrines, get ordained as monks and practice Buddhist rites.