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他们对我说的话表示轻蔑。They spit on what I said.

亲暱必生轻蔑。Familiarity brings contempt.

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恺轻蔑地望着他。Kay looked at him scornfully.

他轻蔑地撇了撇嘴唇。He curled his lips in disdain.

他试图表现出轻蔑地口吻。He tried to say it dismissively.

那是大轻蔑的时刻。It is the hour of great contempt.

“是,”老陈轻蔑的说道。"Yes " said Mr. Chen dismissively.

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我不会用这个带有轻蔑意义的词儿的。I am not using the word pejoratively.

她轻蔑的一瞥使他感到羞惭。She withered him with a scornful look.

她“轻蔑”的一瞥使他无地自容。She withered him with a scornful look.

他把这沉默看做轻蔑的表示。He interpreted the silence as contempt.

他的演讲遭到了轻蔑的嘘声。His speech was greeted with loud hoots.

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我哥哥轻蔑的哼了一声。My older brother snorted contemptuously.

嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑。To smirk or laughincontempt or derision.

敌人对他说话时,他昂首收颌以示轻蔑。He bridled up when his enemy spoke to him.

他轻蔑地谈起物质方面的享受。He scornfully talked about material things.

莱昂内尔轻蔑的笑了“整个世界都会听你的。”Lionel smirked. “The world comes with you.”

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群众向那演讲人发出轻蔑的叫嚣和嘲笑。The crowd hooted and jeered at the speaker.

他轻蔑地瞄了一眼那个囚犯。He cast a disdainful glance at the prisoner.

它指自作主张和轻蔑。Brook It implies self-assertion and defiance.