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然则国之老少,又无定形,而实随国民之心力以为消长者也。Likewise, the age of a nation is not something fixed.

分析了丁纹豹蛛种群消长动态。The population dynamics of Pardosa T-insignita in cotton fields were analysed.

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原因在于,世事本身就是变化的,时势由来都是消长的,他们大多都是骗你的。The reason lies in, world itself is changing, the origin is change, most of them are deceive you.

这些变性水团的消长变化与南海的季风密切相关。Their variations in increase and decrease are closely related to the monsoons of South China Sea.

产蜜组织在发育过程中,细胞中的液泡体积及淀粉粒呈现有规律的消长变化。During the development of nectariferous tissue, both the vacuole and starch grains changed regularly.

淀粉储量的消长与形成层活动周期有很强的相关关系。Increasing and decreasing of stored starch are closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity.

气化运动的本质就是集体内部阴阳消长转化的矛盾运动。The motive of Qi transformation is the waxing and waning movement of Yin and Yang within the organism.

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外源保幼激素类似物对棉蚜种群消长和成蚜有翅率均有重要影响。JH analogs could produce a remarkable effect on the population dynamics and the alate rate of adult aphid.

乾嘉之际是清代历史的转折期,时世的盛与衰在悄然消长,专制统治的松与紧在微妙张弛。It was a turning period of time in the history of the Qing Dynasty when the reign of Emperor Jiaqing began.

这四种民族主义力量的消长制约着战后日本民族主义总的走势。The growth and decline of the power of these four provided an orientation to the postwar Japanese nationalism.

试验于2007年对云南省丘北县辣椒田的主要害虫、天敌种类及其发生消长规律进行了系统调查。The pests and their natural enemies on capsicum were investigated in Qiubei County, Yunnnan province, in 2007.

目的研究6种代表性牙周致病菌和致龋菌在菌斑生物膜和悬浮液中的消长关系。Cariogenic bacteria predominated in biofilms and periodontal pathogens started to dominate in suspension at 96 h.

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本文叙述了广州地区10种草蛉的生活习性和季节消长。The present paper deals with the seasonal variation and habits of 10 species of common green-lacewing in Guangzhou.

伊儿汗国农业经济的消长,主要是蒙古统治者在西亚统治政策的直接反映。The decline and development of agriculture of Ilkhanate reflect directly the Mongol's ruling policy in the west Asia.

浮游植物的兴衰除受硫酸盐含量的限制外,与高等水生植物的消长也存在着一定的关联性。The rise and decline of phytoplankton were limited by sulphur, besides they have relationship with higher hydrophyte.

淀粉贮量的消长与形成层的活动周期有很强的相关关系。Increasing and decreasing of stored starch were closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity during the year.

这些人事上的大规模更张,多明显为各不同民族或派别天文学在监中势力消长的具体结果。These changes of staff, undoubtedly, revealed the power struggles between different peoples and factions in the Bureau.

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总之,无论是从群落之构成,还是文学风格之消长,都反映出吴中文学有一个发生、发展和沦歇的过程。In a word, either the forming of Wuzhong literati or their literary style reflected a process of developing and declining.

初始熔浆部分熔融程度温度、压力呈正消长关系。Finally, a positive correlation is observed between the partial fusion extent and the petrogenetic temperature and pressure.

治疗期间观察患者的临床症状、尿量、尿素氮、血肌酐、肝功能、血氨、腹水的消长及治疗后转归情况。The clinical symptoms, total urine output, serum creatinine, BUN, liver function and ascites were observed during treatment.