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她的英语是无重音的。Her English is unaccented.

我们来看这句,重音在哪?Let's do that line. Accents here?

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诗人有时改变词的重音。A poet sometimes falsifies accent.

当“和“看“上面有重音“There's a stress on "when" and "see."

重音落在第三个音节上。The accent falls on the third syllable.

其它的音节都是非重音。The remaining syllables are unstressed.

目前我们知道了时值和重音这两个途径So so far we've had duration and accent.

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重音在第二个音节上。The stress falls on the second syllable.

莫扎特在这里用的是重音的方法Mozart is actually writing accent into this.

在“我看到“这个词里重音应该是什么?“What would be stressed in that phrase, "I see"?

砖入境通道重音在葱郁的园林绿化。Brick entry walkway accented by lush landscaping.

在“accent”一词的第一个音节上加重音符号。Accentuate the word “accent”on the first syllable.

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多音节词,重音一般放在从尾数上第三个音节上。如。We should not put the stress on the wrong syllable.

事实上,说话流利不仅需要说话速度,它同时还涉及重音、语音和语调。It also involves stress, pronunciation and intonation.

谁能提出这句话另外的重音?哪一个?Anybody want to propose another stress in that line? Yes?

然而对于复杂的错误,重音则转向“随机”。But for complex bugs, the accent will be on the "random".

可以用重音符号来表示某种特定的说话腔调。An apostrophe can be used to show certain speech patterns.

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他换掉一、两个词,再加上一个漏加的重音符号。He changed a word or two and put in an accent he had missed.

起起落落,重音轻音,时快时慢。Ups and downs, stressed and unstressed sound, fast and slow.

一种由重音-重音-非重音组成的韵律音节单位。Stressed or accented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.