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这些人因循守旧、拒绝作出改变。These same people are resistant to change.

生活黑客的想法和行为则不因循守旧。The life hacker thinks and acts unconventionally.

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这个问题无关自由开放还是因循守旧。This is not a question of being more liberal or more conservative.

我们已经发展到存钱就是跟不上时代,就是赶不上潮流,就是过分因循守旧的程度了吗?Have we come so far that saving is passe, not cool or too old-school?

在他那因循守旧的外表下面是坚韧的意志和勇敢的心。Beneath his buttoned-down appearance was a tough mind and a brave heart.

中国并不循规蹈矩,而印度却太因循守旧。While China doesn't follow the rules, India has too many rules to follow.

不要做一个因循守旧的人,或者让自己看起来身处喜剧性的浪漫场合。DON'T be a cliché or put yourself in any situations you've seen in a romantic comedy.

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戈菲尔普雷里就是一个极其乏味、因循守旧、充满虚伪和压迫的地方。Gopher Prairie is a place of unbearable dullness, conformity, hypocrisy, and oppression.

他早在青年时期就懂得,科学上的因循守旧只能意味治学上的愚蠢。He learned the lesson early in life that scientific conformity means intellectual stultification.

变革的年代,因循守旧只能坐以待毙,要生存必须破旧立新。Changing time, lockstep can await one's doom, should live must destroy the old and establish the new.

军队的指挥架构在重因循守旧、轻建树功勋的路上越走越远。Increasingly, the military is creating a command structure that rewards conformism and ignores merit.

活得越长,越保守越因循守旧,越不肯接受新事物,有木有?The longer one lives, and the more conservative the stodgy, more refused to accept the new thing, have wood has?

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其改革因循守旧,片面追求财政收入,与引岸专商沆瀣一气,致使食盐运销制度的改革陷入停滞状态。Its reform sticked to the old ways aimed at sheer revenue and wallowed together in the mire with the salt dealer.

虽然可以因循守旧,下车享受罗马平坦的路,但那也可以是非常令人沮丧和费时的。While it can be enjoyable to get off the beaten track in Rome, it can also be very frustrating and time-consuming.

中产阶级的目光短浅、自鸣得意和因循守旧是情景喜剧写手和小说家们创作灵感的重要来源。Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

他们目光短浅、自命不凡、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料。Its narrow-mindedness , complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

如果我们再一味的因循守旧、墨守成规,最终将导致的健美操运动的发展停滞不前。Keeping following the beaten path of conventionality would eventually results in the stagnation in aerobics gymnastics.

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当代艺术并不缺少想象力,因为当代艺术家鄙视没有创造和因循守旧的东西。The temporary arts are in no lack of imagination, because the temporary artists despise the crusted and uncreative works.

关闭因循守旧,找到多卡做雅尔丁做塔瓦科“章的零售疗法下午时尚餐馆和商店和津津乐道。Off the beaten path, find the Doca do Jardim do Tabaco"s trendy eateries and shops and relish in an afternoon of retail therapy."

从我安装屋面和壁板的经验,我知道大供应商是重承诺的,小供应商是因循守旧的。From my own experience installing roofing and siding , I learned about suppliers who were big on promises, but small on follow-up.