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方风雷是一位技艺高超的交易撮合者,对政治也很内行。Mr. Fang is a consummate deal maker and political insider.

四海翻腾云水路,五洲震荡风雷激。The seas are rising cloud water, Wuzhou Fenglei induced shock.

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首先对激光多普勒测风雷达系统的总体控制方案进行了设计。The paper began with research on automatic manipulation of wind lidar.

方风雷仍在该合资公司持有一定的股份,并为公司非执行董事长。Mr. Fang still owns a stake in that venture and remains its nonexecutive chairman.

高盛高华董事长方风雷将与他共同管理这只基金。He will be joined by Fang Fenglei, the chairman of the joint venture, Goldman Sachs Gaohua Securities Co.

多普勒测风雷达是国外70年代末发展起来的一项新技术。Wind profiler radar being developed in America from late 1970s is still a new technology around the world.

激光多普勒测风雷达是利用激光多普勒效应测量大气风场速度的一种技术。Laser Doppler anemometer is used to measure the speed of wind in the atmosphere based on the theory of Doppler technology.

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目前,方风雷仍持有该合资公司的股权,但组建了厚朴基金后,他便不再参与该公司的日常运营。Mr. Fang still owns a stake in the Goldmans Sachs China venture but withdrew from day-to-day duties with the launch of Hopu.

将其应用到研制的全光纤多普勒激光测风雷达系统中,实现对低中空局部风场的反演。The inversion of low and mid partial wind-field was achieved with the algorithm adopted in an all-fiber Doppler weather radar.

苍颉当年造汉字曾引得鬼神夜哭,钱玄同的这段风雷文字也足以惊天地、泣鬼神!Cang Jie year has attracted Chinese-made night spirits cry, Qian Xuantong enough text of this wind and thunder shaking, ZZZZZZZZZ!

L波段二次测风雷达是701型测风雷达的更新换代产品,与701测风雷达相比其技术更为先进,自动化程度更高。The L-band secondary windfinding radar is the new generation of 701 windfinding radar, it is more advanced and automatic than ever.

波段二次测风雷达和风廓线雷达是目前两种最主要的测风手段。The L-band secondary windfinding radar and the L-band wind profiler are the most essential equipments of the windfinding systems currently.

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在街上,每天清晨都可以看到十一二岁的男孩挨家挨户送报纸,不论风雷雨雪从不贻误。On the streets, each morning can see teenage boys went door-to-door delivery of newspapers, regardless of wind and thunder, rain, snow never bungled.

本文介绍了我国第一部UHF多普勒测风雷达的研制和考核情况,详细描述了该雷达的性能和特点,分析了该雷达的使用情况和应用前景。This paper has introduced the first UHF band wind profiler radar in China, described its features and parameters, analysed its usage results and application prospect.

在已向公司提交非约束性提案的各当事方中,公司非执行、非独立董事方风雷先生在其中一方持有相关权益。Mr Fang Fenglei, a Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Company, has an interest in one of the parties which has submitted a non-binding proposal to the Company.

山西北方风雷工业集团有限公司是隶属于中国兵器工业集团公司大型国有独资企业,地处山西省太原市。Shanxi north hoop industrial group Co. , LTD. Is a subsidiary of China south industries group corporation large state-owned enterprise, is located in taiyuan, Shanxi Province.

雷诺视中国为最首要的市场,法国汽车制造商与东风雷诺在2016年合作生产汽车之后将分三个阶段,最终实现年生产75000万汽车。China is Renault's most important market, and Sino-French joint venture Dongfeng Renault will push for annual sales of 750,000 units in three steps after starting production in 2016.

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上个世纪70年代,中远的“风雷”轮在上海至日本航线上试运20英尺标准箱成功,标志着我国已经跨入了国际集装箱运输的时代。Since the vessel Feng Lei of Cosco succeeded in transporting 20 feet standard containers in the 1970s, our country has strode into the new era of international container transportation.

激光测风雷达通过多普勒频移来确定激光束视线方向上的大气风场的速度矢量,由这些测得的矢量可反演大气风场群速的速度矢量。Utilizing lidar to obtain the wind velocity along the line of sight by Doppler shift, then inverting these velocity vectors to real atmosphere wind group speed is a very important purpose of lidar.

风雷扫毒",一项发起于2007年的反麻醉品运动,对举报吸毒的邻居、亲属和社区成员的公民提供金钱奖励。An anti-narcotics campaign initiated in 2007, called "Wind and Thunder Sweeping Narcotics," provides monetary incentives to citizens to report drug use by neighbors, relatives, and community members.