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记住了“守株待兔”的准则绝对不出现在恋爱中,你的另一半绝对不会是在家等来的。You won't meet Mr Right sitting at home.

这便是龟兔赛跑、守株待兔和拔苗助长。This is willing and, tortoise and the haste makes waste.

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这就是龟兔赛跑、守株待兔和拔苗助长。This is the tortoise and the hare, sit back and wait and Destructive Enthusiasm.

最后在没有办法的情况下,只有让家长回家守株待兔。Finally, there is no way in the circumstances, only waiting for parents to go home.

马克思主义认为社会主义必将到来不意味着我们可以守株待兔。Marx does not think that the inevitability of socialism means we can all stay in bed.

他们只是守株待兔,直到卫星的电池耗尽,强制系统重新启动。They simply waited until the satellite's batteries drained, forcing a system restart.

因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in. It's to stand up and stand out.

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他们没有守株待兔似的等着老师找上门来,而是主动出击,遍访名师。He didn't wait for mentors to come knocking on his door. He took the initiative to seek them out.

蜘蛛是名声在外的猎手了,它们要么在黏黏的蛛网上守株待兔,要么躲在叶子之类的东西后面搞十面埋伏。Spiders are notorious hunters, luring prey into their sticky webs or ambushing them from behind a leaf.

只是,如果因为起点不够高而选择守株待兔的话,凭什么好运气就一定会落到你的头上呢?Just as the starting point, if high enough and the choice for it, what good luck will fall on your head?

如果是因为你守株待兔而不行动,那现在就是停止等待、开始行动的时候。If the answer is you're waiting for such and such to happen, now is the time to stop waiting and take action.

爱情常常不属于那些穷追不舍的猎人,而属于那些守株待兔的人。Love doesn't belong to those hunters who follow up very closely, but belongs to those who wait for windfalls.

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想要获得幸福生活守株待兔是不行的,敢想敢干才是出路。A great life is the result of using what you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next.

“守株待兔”这个成语,讥笑那些存在侥幸心理,不想经过努力,希望得到意外收获的人。This idiom satirizes those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need.

成语“守株待兔”,比喻妄想不劳而得,或死守狭隘的经验,不知变通。The idiom "waiting for him, " do not work the metaphor and delusion, or narrow experience, do not know but flexible.

爱情常常不属于那些穷追不舍的猎人,而属于那些守株待兔的人。Usually love doesn't belong to those hunters who follow up very closely, but belongs to those who wait for windfalls.

后来人们根据这个故事引申出“守株待兔”这句成语,比喻不经过自己的努力,却想得到意外的收获。The idiom "Wait by a stump for a hare" is a metaphor for wanting to obtain something without expending one's own effort.

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瑞秋和菲比拾到一个可爱男生的手机,守株待兔等人家打电话过来,好同人家约会。Rachel and Phoebe find a cell phone left behind by a cute guy, and wait for him to call so they can make a date with him.

爱情常常不属于那些穷追不舍的猎人,而属于那些守株待兔的人。Love frequently doesn't belong to hunters who chase after and never gives up, but belongs to those who wait for windfalls.

四喜知道如果是天贞在背后假神弄鬼,天贞一定会再次下手,便决定来个守株待兔。Four xi know if Jane is day behind false god hatch plots, day zhen will again laid hands on him, decided to a waiting for him.