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逆向选择是什么意思呢What do I mean by adverse selection?

逆向思维是一种创造性思维。Reverse thinking is full of creativities.

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马利亚所做的,是逆向文化的。What Mary did, then, was counter-cultural.

这样的做法被认为是逆向歧视。This practice is known as reverse redlining.

末期大致是早期的逆向。Telophase is roughly the reverse of prophase.

使用逆向链接来开发类。Employ backward chaining to develop the class.

而今,同样的过程正在逆向发生。Now, that same process is happening in reverse.

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您是否在生产中使用逆向类加载?Did you use inverse class loading in production?

像斯蒂芬一样,我也是生来倾向逆向思考。Like Stephen, I tend to be somewhat contrary by nature.

克朗逊之诉让我们得以对隐私之争逆向观之。The Crowson lawsuit turns the privacy debate on its head.

我们可以有很慢的逆向速率,和很快的生成C的速率。We could have a slow reverse rate and a fast rate into C.

本课题来源于某轿跑车逆向设计项目。This essay comes from a coupe reverse engineering project.

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由此开始了对再制造逆向物流网络的研究。It needs the effective facility of re-manufacturing network.

译码时,只需逆向执行编码过程,得到译码输出和全零编码态。The encoding process needs an encoded 0 state to begin with.

进行与放电过程逆向的化学反应。This reverses the chemical action that produces electricity.

这种阀门是真正的双向刀闸阀。不能够逆向安装。The valve is truly bi-directional. It cannot installed backward.

拓宽思维空间,培养逆向思维。Broadening space of thinking and cultivate conversed thinking habit.

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这种分配并不与逆向流动假说相矛盾。This distribution is not inconsistent with the counterflow hypothesis.

针对美联储印钞狂欢进行的逆向交易值得一提。Trades that sat in opposition to the orgy of money printing by the Fed.

他当时也视图解决道德风险,以及逆向选择的问题He was dealing also with the moral hazard and adverse selection problem.