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可以被风筝杀掉。Can be kited and killed.

他试图放飞他的风筝。He tried to fly his kite.

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我的风筝由纸张构成。My kite is made of paper.

纸风筝很容易撕烂。A paper kite tears easily.

像风筝飞向狠蓝旳天。As a kite fly to blue sky.

小孩儿给自己的风筝装了尾巴。The child tailed his kite.

风筝被树挂住了。The kite caught in a tree.

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比利随着风筝飞上了天空。Billy went up with the kite.

风筝然后平转360度。The kite is then rotate 360.

风筝被树挂住了。The kite caught in the trees.

风筝然后平转360度。The kite is then rotated 360.

风筝要以机头向上的姿态结束动作。The kite should exit nose-up.

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拖著长尾巴像风筝一样。With a tail as big as a kite.

她有一只蓝色和绿色的风筝。She has a blue and green kite.

你在试图修好你的风筝吗?Are you trying to mend you kite?

我抬眼看看那比翼齐飞的风筝。I looked up at those twin kites.

当时是韩信用牛皮做一只风筝。Han Xin made a kite with cowherd.

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爱是断线的风筝。The love is to break linear kite.

哇!好大呀!看!我有一个风筝。Wow! How big! Look! I have a kite.

这些风筝造型各异。The kites were in different shapes.