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褶围兜装饰傻眼了。Pleated bib adorns the bodice.

七宝顿时傻眼。Seven treasure immediately silly eye.

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她一看考卷就傻眼了。When she saw the examination paper, she got a nasty shock.

傻眼了,里面赫然有一个陌生的钱包和手机。Silly eye, the inside impressively has an unfamiliar purse ugg tall cellular phone.

等到我的大量实例一出来,“三年早知道”先生们就傻眼了。Until I came out a lot of instances, "three years earlier that" Gentlemen on the bodice.

那些陷害他的人都傻眼了,丹尼尔开始和我们讲述他的上帝是如何保护他不被狮子们吃掉。The other officials were bewildered and Daniel told us how his God protected him from the lions.

周围那些行人听到这些警察的叫嚷声,一个个也都傻眼了?Surroundings those pedestrians hear these voice of shouting of polices, one also always silly eye?

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戒远征队的其他人都看傻眼了,微微的颤抖并因为敬畏而小声咕哝着。The rest of the Fellowship of the Z Ring stared, twitching slightly and grunting in awe at Gandalf!

小王打开资源管理器后傻眼了,怎么将这500多本书的目录发给朋友呢?Wang was dumbfounded open after the resource manager, how to set the directory of more than 500 books to a friend?

可是,只要一跟这些人谈到怎么查找方案无效的原因,以及能否拿出一个新方案来,他们往往就傻眼了。These people usually have trouble figuring out why that solution wouldn't work and then coming up with a new solution.

低下身,还好没有明显的伤,另我有点傻眼的就是,他居然睡着了。Lowly body, approve have no manifest of bruise, different what I have a little a stupid eye be, he incredibly comatose.

此外,做事情“无厘头没有逻辑,谈吐应对粗俗无礼,也让主管为之傻眼。What's more, they work neither reasons nor logic and their talking is vulgar and insolent, which makes the supervisors stunned.

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我骨瘦如柴,戳哪儿都像电线杆,肩膀宽阔,一头红发如火,梳个偏分头,最衰的是我戴了一副傻眼镜。I was a lanky stick with shoulder length, fiery red hair that I wore parted down the middle, and to top it off I also wore glasses.

这些策略可能足以在富勒姆,但随后往往出现霍奇森所期望的水平在安菲尔德傻眼了。These tactics might have sufficed at Fulham, but then Hodgson has often appeared dumbfounded by the level of expectation at Anfield.

这位朋友一听就傻眼了,没想到精心策划的“表现”行动,却给老板留下了不好的印象。On hearing this, my friend went dumbfounded. He had never expected that his painstakingly designed show would leave his boss with such a poor impression.

礼拜一早上,当我们那儿的裁缝店告诉我礼服上手缝的珠子和饰片太多因而没法改动时我傻眼了。On Monday morning, my world crumbled when the local sewing shop informed me the dress simply could not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearls sequins on the bodice.

优优傻眼了,怪不得前一段日子林脸上一直没有血色,吃饭也很少,让他去医院看看他总说是工作忙,没有休息好。Good dumbfounded, no wonder a few days ago forest face has not bloody, eat less, so he went to the hospital to have a look he always said to be busy with work, there is no rest.

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礼拜一早上,当我们那儿的裁缝店告诉我礼服上手缝的珠子和饰片太多因而没法改动时我傻眼了。On Monday morning, my world crumbled when the local sewing shop informed me the dress simply could not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearls and sequins on the bodice.

礼拜一早上,当我们那儿的裁缝店告诉我礼服上手缝的珠子和饰片太多因而没法改动时我傻眼了。On Monday morning, my world crumbled when the local sewing shop informed me the dress simply could not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearls and sequins on the bodice.

某部门的同事刚刚打电话过来对我说她怀疑她的电脑有鬼,荧幕上的滑鼠箭在没人操作的情况下会自动打开某某文件还会写字,看得她傻眼了。My colleague from xxx department called up to me just now, she suspected her computer got ghost. The mouse pointer can move smoothly to open folders and also writing automatically without her control.