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他讲话时带着鼻音。He spoke with a nasal twang.

他说话的时候,鼻音很重。He speaks with a heavy twang.

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他用鼻音讲出自己的建议。He twanged out his suggestion.

今天我说话听起来有点鼻音。I sound a little bit nasal today.

我缓慢唱起来,带着一点鼻音。I sang it slowly, not without a little twang.

他感冒了,说话有点鼻音。He had a cold and spoke with a slight snuffle.

他开始用一种带有鼻音的、抑扬顿挫的声调说话。He started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice.

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因为鼻塞,我今天讲话都有鼻音。My nosy is stuffy so I sound all nasally today.

当她开始说话后,她的声音中带着尖尖的鼻音。When she spoke, her voice had a high-pitched, nasal twang.

“我们就这样输了,”他带着德克萨斯鼻音悲伤的说。"This thing is done, " he said in a sorrowful Texas twang.

是鼻韵母。n是舌尖鼻音韵尾,也叫前鼻音韵尾。N is an alveolar nasal consonant or a front nasal consonant.

未发现任何开放性鼻音、吞咽困难和发音困难。We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.

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中文中词尾鼻音比英文中的短得多。Word-final nasals are much shorter in Chinese than they are in English.

尖锐的鼻音会让你的听众感觉粉笔划过黑板一样刺耳。A shrill, nasal tone strikes your listener like chalk screeching on a blackboard.

布希本身讲话也有德州鼻音腔,但他说他并未让人家知道他是美国人。Bush, who himself has a Texas twang , said he did not let on that he was an American.

天生的嘴唇畸形致使他说话带有鼻音,耳语般几乎听不大清。A congenital lip deformity caused him to speak in a nasal, almost unintelligible whisper.

鼻音,土音说话时的浓厚的鼻音,尤指某些地方方言的特有的口音。A strongly nasal tone of voice, especially as a peculiarity of certain regional dialects.

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结果鼻音化现象较普遍,可存在于普通话的声母、韵母和音节中。Result The nasalization of oral speech sounds occurred in initial, final and the syllable.

小丑怎麽,列位朋友,你们的乐器都曾到过那不勒斯,所以会这样嗡咙嗡咙地用鼻音说话吗?Clown. Why masters, have your instruments been in Naples, that they speak i' the nose thus?

哥德语有三个鼻音,其中一个是另外两个的同位异音,只算是它们的。Gothic has three nasal consonants, of which one is an allophone of the others, found only in.