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她乃烧了一碗米汤﹐喂他在床上吃了。She cooked a bowl of rice soup and fed him in bed.

另用一个碗混匀南瓜茸和米汤。In a separate bowl, mix pumpkin puree and rice milk together.

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他将鸡屎抹在雷公的酸坛子上,将米汤泼在雷公的衣服上。He will put on Leigong Paederia jar of acid would be poured in Leigong rice soup of clothes.

如用较稀的米汤、面汤直接清洗,或用乌鱼骨清洗,效果也不错。If using a more dilute rice soup, soup directly cleaning, or mullet bones clean, with good results.

结论取石前胆汁色泽如呈米汤样改变或有絮状物,则必有结石残留。Conclusion There must be residual stones while the bile is like rice-water or floccule before stones taken out.

但他们认为婴儿奶粉比传统的米汤等替代品更健康。They defend giving babies infant formula as being much healthier than traditional alternatives like rice water.

许多父母选择给孩子喂豆浆和米汤,这些食物不一定经过维生素D强化。Many parents choose to give soy milk or rice beverages, which are not always fortified with vitamin D, she said.

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这个录像分两段。前面是他爸爸逗他笑,后面是他妈妈喂他米汤。The video consists of two clips, one Sage being tickled by his dad, the other his being fed rice soup by his mom.

然后,将绿茶粉按一定的比例加入到稀释一倍的米汤中,并添加其它配料,制备成饮料。Green tea powder and other additives were added to the rice soup, which was diluted twice, to make rice tea drink.

把面粉、糖等的混合物倒入南瓜茸和米汤中完全混匀,再拌入鸡蛋清。Blend the dry ingredients into the milk and pumpkin mixture, after completely mixed, whip in egg whites. Grill on medium heat, on an oiled griddle.

我是按照说明书推荐用量做的,但是做出来的东西很稀,象米汤,不象米糊,为什么呀?I made it according to the recommended recipe from the manual, but the stuff I make out is very thin, like rice soup, does not like rice mash, why?

最后他拿出了褐色的酱汁,“四川厨师用的是豆粉来勾芡,而我们用的是甜酱,这就是最大的区别,”王师傅说,“鸡丁切好后,要加一点米汤。Finally, he came to the light, brownish sauce. "Sichuan chefs use a bean sauce, but we use a sweet sauce, and that's a big difference, " Mr. Wang said.

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晚餐吃沙拉,鱼配蔬菜,通心粉配蔬菜,米汤,或者豆类配蔬菜。饭后最好吃点水果,喝一杯红茶。Dinner consists of salad, fish with vegetables, pasta with vegetables, rice soup, or bean with vegetables. A fruit and a cup of red tea are good after dinner.

不过,配方奶粉仍然是母乳的最佳替代品,改用米汤或其他食品是危险的,会让婴儿营养不良。However, the powdered formula was still the mother's milk best substitute, changes to the rice water or other foods is the danger, will let the baby malnutrition.

吃完了米汤以后﹐桑晓把李婉的故事一五一十地告诉了莲香﹐并自枕头下面将李婉的手帕拿了出来﹐懊悔地要求莲香将它烧掉。After eating the soup, Sang-xiao told Lian-xiang about Li Wan in details. He took Li Wan's handkerchief out from under his pillow and regretfully asked Lian-xiang to burn it.

灶具油污液化气灶具沾上油污后,可用粘稠的米汤涂在灶具上,待米汤结痂干燥后,用铁片轻刮,油污就会随米汤结痂一起除去。Oil gas stove after cooking oil stains, sticky rice soup can painted on the stove until the rice soup crusted dry, using metal plates scuffing, oil will be removed along with the rice soup scab.