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非洲狮子已经适应了这里的水情,以便捕捉到非洲水牛。Lions in Duba have adapted to water in order to keep up with the buffalo.

通过实际水情测报项目的应用验证,该水情遥测终端取得了良好的效果。Proved by some hydrologic telemetric projects, the remote terminal unit works well.

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他仍坚守岗位,每一刻钟向指挥部报告一次水情。Still, he stuck to his post, reporting the water level to his headquarters every15 minutes.

本课题设计了一种基于LPC2294微处理器的通用总线智能化水情遥测终端。In this paper we designed an intelligent hydrology telemetric terminal based on LPC2294 MCU.

主要讲述了飞来峡水情遥测预报调度系统的改造工作。This paper introduced the renovation of water regime forecasting system of Feilaixia hydro project.

水情水调自动化系统主要对雨量、水位等水情信息进行采集和处理,并做出准确的预报和调度。In order to make exact forecast and dispatch, the hydrological information is collected and processed.

您可以采取的婴儿与你或将行使水情到您提供最舒适的很自己的家园。You can either take baby with you or bring the exercise regimen into the comfort of your very own home.

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本文阐述了水情自动测报系统中所用的太阳能电源的设计思想和方法。This paper introduces, design and way of solar battery in automatic prediction system of flood condition.

超短波水情自动测报系统的中继站是整个系统网络最关键,也是最薄弱的环节。Relay station in ultra short wave water level auto survey and report system is the key of the whole system.

供电系统是水情自动测报系统遥测站的心脏,可靠与否至关重要。The power system is the important part of the telemeter of automatic regimen measuring and reporting system.

黄河三小间水情自动测报系统过几年的使用,效果良好,证明其供电系统方案正确、设计合理。The result is very well through it is used to several years and it is proven that the designing is reasonable.

文中介绍了实时水情信息发布与告警系统的设计思想、作流程、现方法及技术特点。This paper introduces the design idea, workflow, scheme for execution, and technical characteristics of the system.

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不同的人有不同的健康要求,所以您应该先确认您的清洁水情是正确的你。Different people have different health requirements so you should make sure that your cleansing regimen is right for you.

水文拍报是三峡梯级水调自动化系统的主要原始水情数据来源之一。Hydrologic telegraphs are a major hydrologic data source of the Three Gorges cascade reservoir scheduling automation system.

水文监测系统主要是对水情信息停止采集并可以实时传输水情信息编码白勺系统。Hydrography watch and measure system is a system that collect hydrology data and transmit real time hydrology information coding.

水情遥测系统主要对水情信息进行采集和处理,并做出准确的预报和调度。The hydrology telemetric system collects and processes the hydrological information, In order to make exact forecast and dispatch.

文章分析阜阳水情分中心雷害事故原因,提出防止事故措施。This paper analyses the cause of lightning disturbance of Fuyang information center and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.

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然而,单一的数值模型只是对已出现的水文情势做出分析,而很难对未来水情的发展演变做出预测。However, numerical simulation model is only to analyze the current hydrological situation, but is difficult to predict future floods.

随着芯片技术及移动通信技术的发展,研究设计新的无线水情终端设备成为可能。With the development of chip technology and mobile communication technology, study of new wireless telemetric terminal can be possible.

本文简要介绍了毛尖山水电站水情自动测报系统的功能、点和运行管理等情况。This paper briefly introduces the function, characteristics and its operation of water regimen automatic measuring and reporting system.