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打扰了,这儿是古韵旅行社吗?Yes. I am thinking of a tour to Australia.

古韵书同意让众人会面十五分钟。Ancient book agreed to let the meeting for 15 minutes.

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被关起来的再舜要求见古韵书。Be up to shun again demanded to see the ancient books.

夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.

与古韵或古体相比,可以称为自由体。It would be free verse as opposed to classical rhymes or classical forms.

你在古韵阡陌间踏歌而行,我拈缕情丝,看你在红尘中轮回。In ancient Chinese and you the room, I will trace of love, see you in the red circle.

淑萍跟秀玉采海菜时撞见古韵书带毓梅散步。Shu ping to show jade to gather the absorbtion bump into ancient books yu mei with walking.

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黄卫民的书法,秉承传统,追求古韵,蕴藉经典。Huang Weimin's calligraphy bases on the tradition, to seek the aroma and be full of classic.

古韵书将村里剩余的人集合到海滩,逼问男人们的下落。Ancient book will round up the rest of the village to the beach, pressed on the mens whereabouts.

游戏的音乐多采用有古韵的音乐为主,配以现代的流行音乐给玩家耳朵更多的听觉享受。Game music and more ancient use of music, with modern pop music to the ears players enjoy hearing more.

随后,赤峰市政府向奥组委赠送了青铜工艺品“红山古韵”。Subsequently , the Chifeng municipal government donated to the Olympic bronze crafts, "Red Hill Relics."

古韵书加入两人谈话,再舜怨恨地告诉韵书,当年他那一脚踢死了自己的父亲。Ancient books to join two people talk, shun hatred to tell striking again, when his kick his dead father.

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另一边,古韵书也因为情治列管,沦落到收破烂的地步。On the other side, the ancient book also for intelligence column pipe, reduced to the point of collecting scrap.

所以,还犹豫什么,快点去前门大栅栏感受古韵、品尝美味吧。So, don't hesitate and come to Qianmen. You can have a feel of the ancient Beijing and also have delicious food there.

因此,随处可见徽派建筑的痕迹,并保存着最原始的飞檐翘角、青砖黛瓦的古风古韵。Therefore, can be seen everywhere in Anhui traces, and preservation of the most primitive cornices, brick and tile palaeowind relics of.

二百五十三个韵脚字分布于古韵十八部中,这为一系列的重要研究提供了基础。The 253 rhyming words are distributed to eighteen ancient rhyme sections, offering a basis on which to issue a series of important researches.

古筝是一件蕴涵了中华民族风格,传承了中华民族古韵的古老乐器之一,被称为“东方钢琴”。Zheng is an old instrument in our country which implys our national flavor and inherits archaic Chinese rhymes , and it is called"Eastern Piano".

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通过古典或现代中式风格浓郁的古韵沉香,将整个餐厅设计效果图的空间层次、以及会所主人的艺术品性,提升到一个新的档次。The classical or modern style of rich ancient incense, the entire restaurant design renderings of the space level, and the owner of the art club, to a new level.

在四合院中,不论是价值不菲的古董家具,还是做工考究的仿古家具,它们精美的制作工艺自然会使居室飘出淡淡的古韵。In the quadrangles , both valuable antique furniture, antique furniture and the work makes their exquisite production processes will naturally add the white bar Guyun.

在这样宁静的季节里,恋上了古镇的悠闲岁月,每天晨晓暮烟之时能这样漫步于古韵铺就的青石板古巷中,让生活写满着恬淡闲散的味道。In this quiet season, fall in love with the town of leisure time, every morning at Muyan stroll in ancient paved stone ancient lane, let the life full of tranquil idle.