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放大器来了,他们走。Amps come, and they go.

电子管放大器?。VTA? Vacuum Tube Amplifier?

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算值控制放大器?。VCA? Value Control Amplifier?

我们可以将其当作放大器。We can use them as an amplifier.

低噪音,高精密仪表放大器。Low noise, high-precision op amp.

电压控制的放大器?。VCA? Voltage Controlled Amplifier?

视频分配放大器?。VDA? Video Distributing Amplifier?

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它被称为前置放大器或前置放大器。It called the preamplifier or preamp.

我建立了一个实验性的801放大器。I set up an experimental 801 amplifier.

文中还给出了L波段放大器实例。An example of L-band amplifier is given.

高压跨导放大器。A high-voltage transconductance amplifier.

伺服放大器的直流电动机小康证明。Well-proven servo amplifiers for DC motors.

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电晶体放大器的线路图。A circuit diagram of a transistor amplifier.

显示应用在信号上的前置放大器增益。Display the Pre-Amp Gain applies the signal.

宽带,高摆率,单片运算放大器。Wideband, High-Slew Rate, Monolithic Op Amp.

单,开环,单位增益稳定的放大器。Single, open-loop, unity-gain stable amplifier.

超低失调电压运算放大器。Ultra low offset voltage operational amplifier.

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原来的电路图的放大器的阶段。The original schematics for the amplifier stage.

定位放大器的接地连接。Localise the ground connection for the amplifier.

这些部件被改变放大器本身。The parts that were changed in the preamp itself.