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兰如剑挡住了他的去路。Such as sword stood in his way.

杜库伯爵挡住了他们的去路。Count Dooku stood in their path.

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笨拙愚鲁,自堵去路?。Who clumsily blocks his own way?

别让任何事阻挡你的去路!Don't let anything standin your way!

有两只在他的前面堵住去路。Two come out onto the trail ahead of him.

事实是中国人没有其他去路了。The reality is they have nowhere else to go.

其会水者料无去路,亦皆投降。the others, who saw no way out, surrendered.

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感到了神圣的黑影在挡住去路!To feel the sacred shadow which forms an obstacle!

的去路,这里的海边由高大的黑檀树所遮蔽,还有一种红木和其他硬木,有。And entangle the voyager, the low margin of the sea was covered.

这周剩下来的日子里,汤姆低调行事,考虑着自己的去路选择。Tom laid low for the rest of the week and considered his options.

当石人想船尾逃去时,鸭子用篙封住了他的去路。When the stone man moved aft, Duck blocked his way, pole in hand.

若无风雨阻去路,必定上门来祝福。Without wind and rain resistance, must be the door to a blessing.

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马龙撑着桌子跳了起来,拿定主意要在那贼转弯前,切断他的去路,但一簇群的自行车挡住了他的去路。could turn the corner, but a cluster of bicycles blocked his way.

我们只是为了移去路上的碎石残骸时才冒险走出车外。We only venture outside the vehicle to remove heavy debris in our way.

是的,他们现在经常被两个甚至更多大块儿头挡住去路。Yep, they're now often clogged with two or more big bodies in the way.

他大步走向门口,用力把门打开,瑞安·查普利恰好挡住他的去路。He strode to the door, jerked it open. Ryan Chappelle blocked his path.

程咬金忽然从山中窜出来拦住了去路。Cheng bite gold suddenly from the mountains there stopped out of the way.

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逃到一处巷口,不料却有两人挡住去路。Fled to a lane that has, and, behold, it has two people blocking the way.

小树叶不停地往回游著,俄然,一条大鲨鱼挡住了它的去路。Small leaves kept swimming back, suddenly, a big shark blocking its path.

我们在人行道的中间挡住了这个小胖墩儿的去路,将他围住。We stopped the pudgy kid in the middle of the sidewalk and surrounded him.