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我对耳环一直情有独钟。I always wanted an earring.

他们对新鲜的香草情有独钟么?Do they have a fondness for fresh herbs?

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南丰对大型项目情有独钟。Antony goes for projects on a massive scale.

她晚上去听配音课,对配音事业情有独钟。Bernstein took voiceover classes at night and loved it.

对烟火,炸药,大炮情有独钟He had a passion for fireworks, explosives, cannon fire.

但是和日本一样,韩国对海味也是情有独钟。But South Korea, like Japan, has a vibrant seafood culture.

杰瑞天天吃好几条巧克力棒,因为他对甜食情有独钟。Jerry eats candy bars everyday because he has a sweet tooth.

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虽然在我看来这是种宠溺,但中国男人却对此情有独钟。While I might think it is acting spoiled, Chinese men love sajiao.

艾弗里对于鞋子可谓情有独钟,但并非所有的鞋都能投其所好,细高跟鞋才是她的最爱。Avery has fallen head over heels for shoes. And not just any shoes.

有趣的是,这里的驴还对冰啤酒情有独钟,常常在餐桌边穿梭。Interestingly, donkeys there even have a special liking for beer, ice.

这也正是过去以及现代许多文人雅士对其情有独钟的原因。This is the past and its modern literati a soft spot for many reasons.

我热衷于跳舞,爱打网球,喜欢看戏。我还对爱运动的男人情有独钟。I like dancing and tennis and theatres and I like the men who play games.

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她说她从来不想当王后,但她对那种豪华排场却情有独钟!She never wanted to be queen, she said – but how she loved the trappings!

作为一名存储行业的架构师,我对文件系统情有独钟。As an architect in the storage industry, I have an affinity to file systems.

耕二是个十足的花花公子,而透则是一个追求浪漫的家伙,他的心只对一位女士情有独钟。Koji is a playboy, but Toru is a romantic one with his heart set on a certain lady.

生活在同一时期的柳永和晏殊对“夕阳”这个传统意象都情有独钟。Liu Yong and Yan Shu who live in same time are deep love with the traditional imago.

我有一个这样的企业情有独钟,以便卡希尔在开。I have a soft spot for such ventures so Cahill starts out in the plus column with me.

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尽管大多时光他们都在马上作战,但维京血脉仍然令其对步战厮杀情有独钟。Although most ride to battle, they are happy to fight on foot in the old Viking style.

秧歌队副队长黄英对秧歌情有独钟。Huang Ying, the deputy leader of the Yangko troupe had a special affection for Yangko.

难忘的爱花之情,你却对海棠情有独钟。Your love for flower is unforgettable and your favourite is Chinese flowering crabapple.