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烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes.

来自加州大学旧金山分校的克里斯汀·比宾斯多明哥是主笔者。Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo at the University of California San Francisco, was the lead author.

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在拜访该报社部的"第二个"星期,他放任命为该报重要专栏的主笔。The week following his first vist to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column.

NBA特写由马特·马克海尔主笔,他希望芝加哥能最终迎来春天。The NBA Closer is written by Matt McHale, who's hoping that Spring will eventually come to Chicago.

NBA特写由马特·马克海尔主笔,现在他开始对今年的季后赛有一种不好的感觉。The NBA Closer is written by Matt McHale, who's starting to get a very bad feeling about these playoffs.

布兰卡在1980年至2006年期间曾担任杰克逊的律师,这份遗嘱也是由他主笔。Jackson's. Mr. Branca, who served as Mr. Jackson's primary attorney between 1980-2006, who wrote the will.

一篇篇有关切尔诺贝利核电站的报道,披露的内容十分有限,却都会包含着塔斯社主笔的对美国和欧洲核问题饱含愤怒的报道。Each limited disclosure about Chernobylwas followed by a shrill TASS account of nuclear problems in the U.S. and Europe.

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演员的演技精湛,尤其是饰演丹•德雷伯这位身心俱疲但极具魅力公司的文案主笔乔•汉姆,剧中设备和道具也很齐全。The acting is superb, particularly Jon Hamm as Dan Draper, the torn, charismatic chief writer of the firm, and the sets and props supremely detailed.

这一起草委员会由托马斯-杰佛逊、约翰-亚当斯、本杰明-富兰克林、罗杰-谢尔曼和罗伯特-R-来温斯顿组成,并由杰佛逊担当主笔。The committee, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, pressed on Jefferson the task of writing their report.

“活色添香”法餐厅座落在北京最富活力的华贸中心,由著名的设计师Gin先生主笔设计,浪漫的气息无处不在。Huo Se Tian Xiang" is located in China Central Place which may be the most active places in Beijing. Designed by a famous designer Mr Gin make the restaurant full of romance."

这本书是爱德华多·若伯来斯先生主笔创作的,灵感来自于塔努与爱德华多当年一起在南非设计建造的太阳城“失落之城”度假酒店。The book was written by Eduardo Robles and the inspiration for publishing that book came from the master planning project Thanu and Eduardo jointly did for the famed Palace Hotel in South Africa.