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他们瓦解了工人运动。They disintegrated the labour movement.

在伦敦时他研究了英国的工人运动。While in London, he studied the English labour movement.

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工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.

这三个主要的趋势,降低了障碍工人运动。These three main trends have lowered the barrier for labor movement.

伊斯坦贝山之战是工人运动的重要组成部分。The Battle of Istambay Mountain was an important part of the labor movement.

这一著作为国际工人运动奠定了理论基础。This work laid the theoretical basis for international working-class movement.

京汉铁路大罢工,是中国第一次工人运动的高潮。Beijing-Hankou railway strike is the highlight of China's first labor movement.

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邓培是唐山工人运动的领导者、组织者和实践者。Deng Pei was the leader, organizer and practiser of labor movement in Tangshan.

这些年来,美国的工人运动已取得巨大进展。During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progresses.

卡洛斯·布洛桑是一个多产的菲律宾裔美国作家和工人运动的积极组织者。Bulosan was a prolific Filipino writer and protective organizer of labor movement in America.

那个黄色工会是资本家妄图用来扑灭工人运动的工具。Union was a tool used by the capitalists in their vain attempt to damp down the labour movement.

市场被解放,而工人运动受到严酷的法律和政治的打压。Markets were deregulated, and the working-class movement subjected tosavage legal and political assault.

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那个黄色工会是资本家妄图用来扑灭工人运动的工具。That scab union was a tool used by the capitalists in their vain attempt to damp down the labour movement.

工人运动取得的成功,与李立三的革命动员观有密切关系。The labor movement's suc- cess, has a Close relationship with Li Lisan's unique cultural mobilization mode.

因为目前已有诸多迹象表明中国公民社会出现了更广泛的政治觉醒,工人运动仅仅是冰山一角。For labour activism is only one of the many signs of a broader political re-awakening in Chinese civil society.

另外,日侨社区和工人运动是小沙渡城区的主要特色。In addition, the overseas Chinese community in Japan and the labor movement are the main features in this area.

这是工人运动所必须克服的,假如它想要成为历史的演员而非仅仅一名受众。This is what the workers movement must overcome if it is to become an actor in history rather than a mere object.

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工人运动在欧洲已经具备了社会主义的理念,而此时的马克思仍然是一个自由主义者。The working-class movement in Europe had already arrived at socialist ideas while Marxhimself was still a liberal.

宪章运动是第一次全国范围的工人运动,引起了对许多严重问题的关注。The chartist movement was, however, the first nationwide working class movement and drew attention to serious problems.

有组织的美国工人运动在19世纪末叶促使劳工节成为美国的法定假日。The organized labor movement of the late 19th century that spawned the national holiday has waxed and waned over the years.