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评审这个模型。Review the model.

他用粘土做模型。He models in clay.

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一个模型的内部。Inside of a model.

看看我们的模型!Look at our models!

船只模型展示馆。Ship model gallery.

我有一架模型飞机。I have a model plane.

模型分类。Model classification.

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数值地形模型?。Digital terrain model?

SCA装配模型V1.0SCA Assembly Model V1.0

备付金持有量模型。B. The cover-held model.

基于IMC的模型检验。Model checking for IMCs.

这就是核壳模型。This is the shell model.

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我会制作模型飞机。I can make a model plane.

恐怕是汽车模型吧。Maybe just a model car...

你会做模型船吗?Can you make a model ship?

他作了一个未来车的大模型。He mocked up a future car.

模型角色和资源。Model roles and resources.

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这是一个行星模型。So, it's a planetary model.

在物资分配模型方面。The model of Alot Material.

这使它们的模型运转。This made their model work.