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没有一点声息。Not a sound is heard.

神身上的一种声息,一阵风。A rustle in the god. A galed.

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除了大钟的沉闷单调,了无声息。And nothing broke the clock's dull monotones.

它凭空突然出现,全然没有声息。It appears from nowhere, and without a sound.

他在毫无声息的黑暗里怕得全身发颤。In the lonely darkness he shivered with fright.

时来要惜时,时去无声息。Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.

两炮,两个大洞,然后就了无声息了。Two shots, two large holes in the tower and then silence.

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阴柔的声音如石沉大海般悄元声息。Yin soft voice as disappeared silently dollar voice interest.

很久很久,没有声息,只愿沉醉,不想醒来。For a long time, no sound, just drunk, do not want to wake up.

时间在溜走,一点一滴,没有声息。The time is sneaking off, Bit by bit, does not have the sound.

外面无人回答,除了淅沥雨声之外,更无其他声息。There was no reply. The only sound was the rain drumming on the roof.

这种黑色,黏稠的液体毫无声息地滑过地面。This mass of black, viscous liquid flows along the ground in utter silence.

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夜莺了解学生忧伤的原因,她默无声息地坐在大橡树树上。The nightingale understand the student's sorrow and sat silent in the Oak-tree.

我不知道做错了什么,她像风一样不经意的从我手中溜走,不留一点声息。I don't know what to do, she is inadvertently slipped from my hands, without a sound.

那时除开葛哈德在厨房里摇椅上摇动不安的声音之外没有其他声息。There was no sound save that of Gerhardt rocking nervously to and fro in the kitchen.

在那场伤心惨目的灾难暴发的地方,现在连一点声息也没有了。There, where that lamentable disaster had uttered its death-rattle, all was silence now.

轻轻地推门进去,声息也,妻已睡熟好久了。Pushing it softly open and tiptoeing in, I found all quiet inside, and my wife fast asleep.

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轻轻地推门进去,什么声息也没有,妻已睡熟好久了。Pushing it softly open and tiptoeing in, I found all quiet inside, and my wife fast asleep.

沉寂的夜,了无声息,韩珊端着饭锅走到路边,忽然伤心的哭了起来。Silent night, HanShan carry without self-consciousness, go to the roadside, suddenly pot sad crying.

可是冬天的脚步已悄然而至,没有欢送会,亦没有告别词,来无声息,去无留意。But winter's footsteps have been quietly, no party, no farewell speech, to silence, to pay attention to.