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被告恳求宽大处理。The accused craved for leniency.

他作了不利于被告的证词。He testified against the accused.

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法庭宣判被告无罪。The court absolved the accused man.

汤姆是该案的共同被告。Tom is the codefendant of that case.

原告是被告的反义字。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

原告是被告的反义词。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

被告昨天未到庭。The defendant made default yesterday.

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他被告诫不要干坏事。He was admonished against doing wrong.

陪审团判定被告是无辜的。The jury found the defendant innocent.

证词很不利于被告。Evidence weighted against the defendant.

被告承认其他六个犯罪行为.The accused admitted six other offences.

被告成功地驳回了上诉但是没有得到任何上诉费用。The judge awarded costs to the defendant.

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被告和目击者也不能免俗。Defendants and witnesses are no different.

她对一个有利于被告的事实宣誓作证。She deponed to say a fact for the accused.

陪审团宣布了被告无罪的裁决。The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

传票已送交给被告。The summons was served upon the defendant.

我向你提交那上被告是有罪的。I submit to you that the accused is guilty.

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被告声明自己是无罪的。The accused declared himself to be innocent.

被告被传和原告对质。The accused was confronted with his accuser.

被告不安地在椅子上扭动身子。The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.