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他只根据预约会客。He will only see visitors by appointment.

会客中,请勿打扰是什么意思啊?Meeting in progress, please do not disturb.

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名曰“憩园”的咖啡厅是您交友会客的极好去处。A coffee bar named Qiyuan is an ideal place for meeting friends.

由于经济急速发展,即便是平时,新德里的高级酒店也会客满为患。India's booming economy keeps the good New Delhi hotels full in normal times.

女王的母亲更是在101岁高龄才去世,并且在生命的最后一刻还在皇庭会客。The queen mother died at 101 and wore out her guests at Royal Lodge till her last gasp.

当所有的孩子都穿着完毕后,大家一同在室外会客区拍摄集体照留念。When all the children were dressed, everyone assembled in the outdoor meeting area, for group pictures.

关于监狱犯人和在押人员是否能够会客,没有获知相关的信息。There was no information available on whether prisoners and detainees had reasonable access to visitors.

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他下乡去视察了一回,在他下乡期间公文积压了一大堆,昨天傍晚他刚回来,现在他要在会客时间开始之前,把这些公文翻阅一下。He just came back in yesterday evening. He now has to browse the official documents before the meeting with guests.

这个神秘的区域需从边门进入,另有专用楼梯上楼,有门通向会客室外的过道。This mysterious region from the side door to enter, and dedicated public staircases , doors to rooms outside aisle.

陈光诚回家后却遭到软禁,被禁止会客,受到侵扰性的电子监控。Chen returned home to house arrest, banned from receiving visitors and subjected to intrusive electronic surveillance.

父母在一本会客杂志上读到这个故事,当女孩们被一个问题迷惑住时她如何解决。My parents had read about this parlor game in a magazine, how girls across the country were being stumped by the answer.

他下乡去视察了一回,在他下乡期间公文积压了一大堆,昨天傍晚他刚回来,现在他要在会客时间开始之前,把这些公文翻阅一下。During this time, a large amount of offical documents accumulated. Now he has to glance over them before the visiting hours.

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除了光面不锈钢枱脚和钢通脚外,会客桌更可采用其他不同的钢脚款式。Aside from polished stainless steel legs and tublar steel legs, other options of steel legs can be used for the meeting tables.

在羁押过程中,扁数次绝食抗议,但却遭到禁止放风和禁止会客的处罚。During the detention, Chen performed hunger strikes several times. As punishments, he was prohibited from visitations and outdoor activities.

每餐都有三菜一汤轮船二楼有将近40平方米的大厨房和专门的餐厅,会客大…Every eat has 3 food 2 buildings have one soup ship the large kitchen of near 40 square metre and special dining-room, receive a visitor big.

所有来访者必须先在接待处登记,填写会客单,然后方可由被访者接待。All visitors shall be registered at the Reception and complete the visitor's form before being received by the host or the staff being visited.

高级行政办公椅系列,由滕虹在中国组装,齐备高背及中背行政座椅及中背会客椅。Executive Chair by TOHOLY in China it provides mid and high back executive chairs and guest chairs, both upholstered in first class leather and vinyl.

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室内部分,房间和会客区保留了原来的石墙,地板、瓦片、木工和铁制品相结合,使整个空间显得十分开阔。Inside, the rooms and guest areas retain the existing stonewalls while the flooring, tiles, woodwork and ironwork combine to give a sense of spaciousness.

遵守会客制度,在规定的时间内会客,不能留客过夜。Obey the regulations and rules on visitors. Meeting visitors in your accommodation is allowed in the permitted time, but staying overnight is not allowed.

会客区的通道要简洁,空间要宽敞,光线要明亮,能够达到温馨、具有亲和力是主旨。Receive a visitor the passageway of the area wants concise, the space wants capacious , the light wants bright, can achieve warmth, having affinity is gist.