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今天冷风飕飕。It's chilly today.

汽车飕飕地开了过去。Cars were whizzing past.

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他听到飞驰子弹的飕飕声。He heard the zip of a flying bullet.

寒冷的秋风正飕飕地吹着。The cold autumn wind was blowing hard.

时间的金色翅膀飕飕的飞逝过去了。Time flew past with a whir of golden wings.

照相机飕飕响,闪光灯呼呼叫。The cameras whirred and the flashbulbs popped.

机枪的子弹从他们的头顶上飕飕地飞过去。Bullets of the machine-gun zipped over their heads.

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挡风玻璃上的雨刷单调地来回摆动,发出飕飕声。The windshield wipers swished back and forth monotonously.

然后电梯飕飕地就把乘客送到他们要去的楼层,中途只停几次。The elevator then whizzes them to their floor with only a few stops.

我尤其喜欢它们飞驰而过时发出的飕飕声。I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

当冬天烈风飕飕时,我们一些人会宁愿冬眠也不愿意外出工作。When the winter winds blow, some of us would rather hibernate than work out.

风儿把寒气吹在老柳树的背上,弄得它们发出飕飕的响声来。The cold wind blew over the bowed backs of the willows, so that they creaked again.

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穷飕飕的年轻人满足不了拜金女孩的需要,所以他不择手段地努力奋斗。A poor young man can't satisfy the material girl, so he works hard by hook or by crook.

有只老鹰在天空中翱翔,突然听到箭飕飕地响著,感觉自己应该会重伤致死。An Eagle was soaring through the air when suddenly it heard the whizz of an Arrow, and felt itself wounded to death.

于是两个姑娘奔跑得裙子飕飕响地穿过了客厅——他妹妹怎能这么快就穿好衣服的呢?And the two girls, their skirts swishing , immediately ran out through the hall, wrenching open the front door of the flat as they went.

随着一只忙碌的蚊子飕飕而过,亲吻我的耳朵后嗡嗡地飞走,一个理论在我的脑海里酝酿成形.Then a theory just seeped into my mind, following the electrifying whiz of a busy mosquito that comfortably kissed my ears and buzzed away.

说来也是,最近的天气就是这样的,总是爱反着干,该夏日时,偏偏暴雨倾盆,该炎炎时,偏偏冷风飕飕。Also, recent weather is so, always in love with dry, this summer, it happened that heavy rain poured down, the hot when, but why chilly said.

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每逢夏季,在包裹阿穆尔河的坚冰消融之后,许多俄罗斯人会乘坐发出飕飕声响的水翼艇,从风景宜人的哈巴罗夫斯克市出发,赶赴中国旅游观光。During the summer, after the ice encrusting the Amur river melts, Russian tourists are now travelling to China from the attractive Russian town of Khabarovsk.

球赛进行时冷锋飕飕的吹。温度约华氏40度,持续的毛毛雨让投球与视线状况不佳令人不舒服。There was a stiff breeze blowing at game time . The temperature was in the low40 s, and a steady drizzle made for some uncomfortable working and viewing conditions.

解开了钮扣,凉风飕飕的吹着胸,他觉到痛快,好像就这么跑下去,一直跑到不知什么地方,跑死也倒干脆。He unbuttoned his jacket and felt the cool wind on his chest. How invigorating! He could have run on and on to some unknown destination, run until he dropped dead and was done with everything.