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他要求加薪水。He aked for raise.

薪水排在第六位。Salary came in sixth.

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他吝于给我薪水。He grudged me my salary.

我会给你优渥的薪水。You'll get a good salary.

他的薪水并不算高。His salary is none too high.

这意味着没有职位没有薪水。This means no post no salary.

我刚发了薪水,我请客。I just got paid. It's my treat.

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他们可以从我薪水里扣钱。They can take it out of my pay.

你希望取得几多薪水?What haver salary expectations?

没有薪水、贸易、或自身的货币。No wages, trade, or money per se.

教授们拿薪水就是干这个的。The professors are paid for this.

我上周得到了一份好薪水的工作。I get a better-paid job last week.

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他每个月的薪水,比妻子还要少那么几文。His salary is less than his wife's.

我想重新和你谈一谈我的薪水问题。I'd like to re-negotiate my salary.

灵位,薪水也更高。In addition, the pay is more decent.

并且薪水还会很高。getting a stable job is really high.

嘿,他们从我们薪水里扣了不少钱。Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

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他的提升意味着要增加薪水。His promotion means a raise in salary.

如果我迟到,会被扣薪水。If I am late, salary will be deducted.

他最终发清了全船船员的薪水。He finally paid off the crew of a ship.