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是的,这件小卧室招租。Yes, this small bed room is for rent.

如欲招租,请与我们联系。Please contact us for leasing opportunities.

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广州有很多公寓招租。There are many apartments available in Guangzhou.

我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease.

上海吴中路1500号八室住宅一栋招租。The eight-roomed dwelling house on No. 1500, Wuzhong Road, Shanghai.

庙宇大殿、偏殿共1000平米对外招租。Temple audience hall, side audience hall, the total of 1000 centiares for rental.

房源的找寻方法有两种,一是看招租广告,二是自己去中介签房子。There are basically two channles, leasing advertisement and signing with a real estate agent.

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你也可以通过看“招租”牌子或报上的广告,自己去找房子。You can also find a house by yourself by noticing 'For Rent" signs and newspaper advertisements."

嗨,莎拉,我近来在找房子,遇到点问题。你能帮我上网看看房屋招租广告吗?Hey Sarah, I'm having some trouble finding an apartment. Can you help me look at some listings online?

麦考瑞大学附近有一两房公寓的一间招租。There is a room of double rooms apartment located at Cottonwood Crescent, Macquarie University available.

我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。我们想知道还有哪些铺位空置呢?We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease. We would like to know if any shops are still available.

一些楼前草坪杂乱不堪,出售招牌遍地都是,几乎和招租房产的招牌相当。Some front lawns are unkempt, and for sale signs abound, almost matched by signs offering properties for rent.

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目前正在招租的港教职员宿舍西苑非一般市区出租项目可比拟。Currently, domestic staff quarters are available for leasing general urban rental project Xiyuan non-comparable.

我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。我们想知道还有哪些铺位空置呢?We understand this fashionable shopping arcade is prepared for lease. We would like to understand if any shops are still available.

学生可从大学后勤办公室、校内广告、网上或是当地房屋中介这些地方获取招租信息。Students can get "to let" information from the university welfare office, adverts around campus or on the Internet, and local estate agents.

此外,中心现有部分配套使用的办公用房和适用于经营活动的商业用房,也开始全面招商、招租。In addition, SITC has some office rooms which are completed with the exhibition hall. They are now soliciting customers all around and renting.

特别是那些社区银行,它们积累了大量商业地产项目的贷款,这些项目有的难以招租,有的则成为空置房.Community banks, especially, built up high concentrations of commercial real estate loans for developments that have failed to attract tenants or have become vacant.

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大门上面和挂在窗子上的挂毯上面都贴了招租广告,说明这所宅邸的一切家具等物都将于下个星期进行公开拍卖。There were printed bills on the gate, and on bits of carpet hanging out of the windows, announcing a sale by auction of the Household Furniture and Effects, next week.

美国YK区域中心所提供的投资移民项目,均是由美国YK集团专业负责、已经审批、进行招租、开始施工的政府合作项目。YK America Regional Center projects have already been developed by YK America Group through the due diligence and entitlement stages, have already begun leasing, and are ready to start construction.