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她过去曾深爱过他,但如今她对他恨之入骨。She loved he deeply ago, moreover, her hated his guts.

于是,有人拍手叫好,有人恨之入骨。Then, somebody clap applauds , somebody hate sb's guts.

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她过去曾深爱过他,但如今她对他恨之入骨。She love he deeply in the past, But here her hate he deeply.

为什么你的后院,南美国家对你恨之入骨呢?Why your backyard the South America countries hate you so much?

在恨之入骨的冲动下,他把仇人杀了,为他父亲报了仇。In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father.

附近的农户对匪徒之残毒恨之入骨。The thugs' cruelty is the pet hate of the farmers in the neighbourhood.

那个时候,我们真的对豆子和鸡蛋恨之入骨,因为他只会做这两样。And we hated the beans and eggs, because that's all he ever knew how to cook for us.

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在中国人们对腐败恨之入骨,不愿意看到死刑被废止。People in China viscerally hate corruption and are reluctant to see the death penalty dropped.

由于他对绝地恨之入骨,因此在入侵杜罗星球期间,他俘虏了莱娅·奥加纳·索洛。His passionate hatred for Jedi led him to capture Leia Organa Solo during the invasion of Duro.

“前一天,银行还在吸引你加入,第二天就对你恨之入骨,”他一边说一边优雅地耸了耸肩。“One day, the banks are sucking up to you, the next they hate your guts, ” he says with a Gallic shrug.

他们认定是犹太人霸占了他们的家园,夺走了他们的财产,对犹太人恨之入骨。They are consumed with hatred against the Jews who, they believe, have deprived them of their patrimony.

奥巴马的幸运之处在于,不仅激进分子觉得此议案不合胃口,保守派也对此恨之入骨。Mr Obama's good fortune is that it is not only progressives who find the deal unpalatable. Conservatives hate it too.

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祥明问她有没有人对她恨之入骨,让路子好好想想,可路子完全想不起来。Sangmyung asked her if she had a person to her guts, let the way to think about, but way completely couldnt remember.

如果你见过那个小老太太如此可爱,如此平易近人,你绝对不会想象得到竟然有人这样对她恨之入骨!If you had seen that little old woman, so lovable, so easy to take, you could never have imagined anyone hating her in that way!

他自诩长辈,待人颇为轻蔑,甚至对待他喜欢的人也是如此,在纽黑文期间便有多人对他恨之入骨。There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, eventoward people he liked—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.

所有的柏林大学生都想见识此人,他的信徒对他是那样五体投地,而他的敌人对他又是那样恨之入骨。All the students in berlin wanted to see and hear this man whom his adherents so much admired and his opponents so much detested.

领导人对阻碍储存设备和商品市场发展的囤积者和投机商则恨之入骨。Politicians’ outbursts against hoarders and speculators have stymied the development of storage facilities and commodity markets.

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被全世界人们恨之入骨的恐怖主义给我们的生活环境和社会稳定造成了极大的威胁。Terrorism, which is abominated by all human beings, poses a disastrous threat to our living condition as well as social stability.

驻冀东丰润的日军顾问佐佐木对潘家峪人民恨之入骨,一心想彻底摧毁根据地,消灭八路军。In jidong rich Japanese consultant pan home valley people is anathema to sasaki, a thought thoroughly destroy bases, eliminate the eighth route army.

帅飘还说表面上潘达被周院长拦下了,但是潘达却对自己恨之入骨,于是还将卖茶叶的百分之二十的利润交给了熊司令。Handsome wave also said that on the surface of pan was stopped by zhou, but pan to hate his guts, so will also sell tea twenty percent profit to bear commander.